#91 Torture [BT]

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Storyline: Vicki believed you were in great danger as you became the Dream Sorcerer's primary target. She insisted Henry stay with you to prevent you from sleeping, as he is a creature of the night.

Pairings: Henry x Reader

"Vicki, I'm fine. You don't have to send Henry over." You were on the phone with Vicki Nelson, a private investigator who happens to be one of your good friends. You were about to argue when you heard a knock at your door. "Never mind, he's here. Yes. Don't worry; I'll call you if there is anything." You hang up as you open the door to find Henry leaning on the door frame.

Henry enters scanning your place. It was a small loft with a beautiful view. Quite frankly, it looked a lot like Henry's place, but a little bit more rustic. "Nice view." He takes his coat off and throws it on the couch. "So, tell me, how did you get in this mess?"

You smile. You open a wine bottle and take one glass. "You're not offering?" You smile again, taking another glass. "I drink blood, but other red substances too." You extend your hand as he takes the glass. Henry smells it and smiles, "Ah, Pinot Noir. My favorite."

"Crazy story. I went to get a coffee downtown, and this guy asked if he could take my photograph for a project of his. It was a public place, so what was the harm, right? A few days later, I couldn't stop dreaming of his face or touch, which creeped me out. One time, in the dream, I tripped and scraped my right knee. The next morning my right knee had dry blood and a small scratch, that's when I knew something was off. And now, here we are."

He almost laughs. For the first time, you felt quite comfortable with Henry. You didn't know if it was the wine, but you could feel some kind of tension between you guys. Sexual tension. Vicki did mention that sometimes, Henry appears to be irresistible. "How do you think he's doing it?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I've searched every book in my possession and couldn't find anything. Not even his name. However, Coreen found something that might be relevant to this case." Henry takes a sip of the wine and places his glass on the small table behind him. "Apparently, he finds a target and takes their picture. During the night, he appears in your dreams, makes you live what you truly desire, and when it is about to happen, he kills you by taking your desire away."

"Weird, why didn't he kill me the first night?" Henry chuckles. "Aren't you glad he didn't Sara?" He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. The tension is back.

"Right now, I'm thinking you might be the one who's glad he didn't kill me," You lean in whispering before pulling back. He laughs, bringing his hand behind his head as if he was caught. "Do you know how we kill it?"

"According to Coreen, the Sorcerer works on three nights. The first he finds out what you desire, the second he finds out what you fear the most, and the third, he uses your fear and your desires to kill you. If the Sorcerer doesn't get to you in your dreams tonight, well, he dies. So, I'm here to keep you awake."

He swiftly sits on the other couch taking his sketchbook. You stand walking towards the bathroom. You could hear some shuffling in the other room, but ignored it and turned on your shower. You dry your hair and put your black silk pajama on. Grabbing your lotion bottle, you make your way to the living room where Henry was quietly sketching. God, he's so fucking handsome. You poured the cream in your hand and started rubbing it on your leg. You hear Henry sigh. "Are you trying to torture me, Sara?"

You snort. "Me? If someone is torturing somebody, it's you. I mean, look at you sitting there like a demi-God or something." Henry chuckles. "So, you're saying I'm torturing you? Is that right?" You nod your head without saying anything.

You suddenly feel the warmth of his body close to yours. His hands move your hair at one side of your shoulder, and he gently places his soft lips in the crook of your neck. "Henry, what are you doing?" You breathe out. "You're saying I'm torturing you. So, I at least want to do it correctly." You couldn't take it. You didn't know if it was his charming aura, but you got hot all of a sudden. "Sara, just let me in."

That's it. You turn around, giving Henry complete control of your body. He lifts you up, and in a matter of seconds, your back hits your soft mattress. He kisses every inch of your body, from your lips to your inner thighs. You pull him back up to your lips, roaming your hands all over his body. "You are absolutely exquisite."

You inhale and exhale as you take him in. His thrusts show perfect rhythm and synchronization with your movements. He slowly whispers in your ear, before collapsing on your side. You two talk for the rest of the night in each other's arms. "I've been dreaming of this day from the very first time I saw you." You let out a small laugh.

"You're not the only one." He kisses you before saying, "The sun is coming up. I'm guessing the Sorcerer will die any minute. I have to leave soon." You didn't try to hide your disappointment. "Sara." He looks at you with his beautiful eyes. "I know, I know." He smiles and kisses you. Before he disappears out of your apartment, you say, "Thanks for the torture. I'll be glad to do that any time." He nods his head smiling. 

A/N: If you don't know where the character is from well it's from the TV Series called 'Blood Ties' and it is simply amazing! If you end up watching it on Amazon Prime Video, I can promise you, you'll fall in love with Henry because

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A/N: If you don't know where the character is from well it's from the TV Series called 'Blood Ties' and it is simply amazing! If you end up watching it on Amazon Prime Video, I can promise you, you'll fall in love with Henry because...will you look at him? 

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