#71 Different [SKAM]

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Characters: William Magnusson, Chris Schistad, Eva Mohn x Reader

Pairings: William x Reader
Status: Possible lovers

Storyline: William was tired of girls who tried to get into bed with him, so he asks Chris to cock block every girl who comes and see him. Until you came along.

"Bro, I swear if there's one more girl who comes to talk to me, be my cock block," William tells his best friend Chris.

"I'm your man," Chris laughs and pats William's shoulder. "I'll be back alright, I need another drink."

You were invited along with your friends at a Penetrators party. "I can't do this, he's going to be there and you know I like him."

"Of course he's there, William is the leader of the Penetrators. So what? I like Chris Schistad." You look at your best friend Eva who smirks and nods over at Chris.

"Fine, let's make a deal. If you talk to Chris, I'll talk to William." You challenge Eva thinking she's not going to do it.

"Consider it done," she gulps down her beer and walks towards Chris at the drink table.

Since it was your idea, you had to do it too. "Fucking hell, fucking hell."

"Hey- why are you pushing-" you bump into William and he immediately turns around ready to give a punch. "I'm so sorry, guys were pushing and I'm sorry."

At the sound of your voice, he turns all the way to face you. "Hey Y/N, right?"

"Yeah, I didn't know if you were going to remember me."

"Of course I would." You look up and smile, William flashes one back. You guys just stare at each other until Chris pats on William's shoulder.

William didn't move, he kept his eyes on you. Chris was on a mission, he places his hand on William's shoulder and pushes hard making him move a little. "What Chris?"

"Bro, I'm doing what you ask me to do. She's a chick right?"

"I'm fine."

"But, William, you told-"

"I know what I told you, but this one is different. I actually like her presence. Go back to Eva, you like her don't you?" William smirks and turns back to you. "I'm sorry. Where were we?"

"I think we were just staring at each other." You laugh with him.

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