2: Trapped [SPN]

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Pairings: Dean x Reader
Status: Attracted to each other

Storyline: You and Dean were trapped in a chapel where young couples used to get laid, and the spirits never let them leave because it was a sin. They trapped you and Dean in it, and now you have to face the lust you have for him.

You were not really close to the Winchester brothers but you still worked with them for the sakes of your Uncle Bobby. Being the only hunter female was exhausting.

"Dean, I swear if you don't stop making noise with your damn tongue, I'm going to cut it in your sleep." You threaten, and obviously, he stopped because he knew you were willing to do it.

"I'm bored. Did you find something yet?" He asks. You shake your head.

"No, just a bunch of anagrams and sacrifice symbols. Oh, also the only thing the murders had in common was love. They were all couples in love and naïve, but you know, if I'd get help it might be faster you idiot!" You glare at him and pat the chair next to you.

"Fine, you said anagrams and symbols. Lepahc? Love? Chapel. Ah, I know where it is, take your things. We're going now."

You didn't understand how he solved the anagram so fast but you ignored it. "What about Sam? Shouldn't we warn him?"

"Nah, he's doing his own research, now come on." Dean takes your hand pulling you to his car.

"I can walk," you say letting his hand go. On the way to the destination, you kept glancing over at Dean. You never realized he had a scar on his left cheek until now.

"What are you staring at Y/N?" Dean turns his head and looks at you deeply.

"Your scar, what happened?" He smiles and stops the engine. "Too bad, I don't have time to tell you. Take the guns and salt. We're here sweetheart."

You studied the place; it's a forest that looks like a cemetery. You had a bad feeling about this plan. You follow Dean into the darkness until you completely lost his figure. "Dean? Dean! You bastard you better not be joking-"

You couldn't finish your sentence; the fall seemed to have cut your breath. "Y/N! Over here." You follow his voice and find him, tied up on a chair with both hands behind his back. He's so attractive!

What the hell? Why would I say that it's Dean? You thought, but you couldn't help it, you wanted him, now. "Y/N, little help?"

You walk seductively towards him; you bend down in front of him. "Help? Don't you want to have fun while we're here alone? I know I want to baby."

"Erh, what are you doing? Oh, God." You reach up and kiss his cheek, then his neck, and up to his earlobe. "I want you, Dean. All of you." You whisper against his ear. You sit on his lap, wrapping your legs around the back of the chair and you charge at him with a long passionate kiss. You felt the bump of his pants growing. You moan, "Dean, Dean." Dean? Oh shit!

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. We better leave now." Embarrassed you untie Dean, and try to find an exit but fail. Great! I just tried to have sex with him and now I'm stuck here.

"I don't know what the hell just happened but I won't lie I did like that side of you." Dean looks at you. "Shut up, it's just this place makes me crazy and all I want is you." You slap your hand on your mouth. "Damn it, why do I keep doing that!"

The room temperature started to increase. You wanted to take your clothes off, but you fight the urge to do so. Dean looks at you like he was in a trance, you play with your hair teasing him, you'd take your clothes off just for him to admire your body. You realize what you were doing and stopped feeling, guilty.

"I told you, we should have warned Sam."

When you mention Sam's name, Dean looks up. "Of course, Sam! You always need to bring him up, don't you? What does he have that I don't? Do you like sweet? I have a sweet spot too!" You didn't recognize the Dean who was standing in front of you. "Are you that blind? I'm completely head over heels in love with you and you're here talking about Sam? My brother!"

"What is wrong with this place?" You suddenly ask because this was not real, it seemed like a dream to you.

"I don't know, but I'm not sure what I'm saying. What's happening to us? First, you jump on me, ready to have sex. Then, I get a fit of jealousy when you speak Sam's name. What the hell is this place?"

"You guys are trapped in the circle of love," you both turn around to see Sam smiling. "It's a place where people have sex, and since it's a sin doing it in here. The spirits of the virgins kill all the ones who dare to have sex, right where you guys are standing. The air is playing with your mind, making you say what you feel for each other."

"Really? And, how do we get out of here? I tried to pass but the exit was jammed."

"You guys can go out now, I burned the Cupid's bow on the roof." You smile and walk out fast, not looking at Dean. "What happened to you guys?" Sam asks his elder brother, who was simply smiling.

"Nothing, but let's just say that I'd want to be trapped with her again." Sam starts laughing at his brother's comment guessing something hot went on between you and Dean.

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