45: Boss's Daughter [TF/ARR]

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Pairings: Barry x Reader
Status: Going on a date

Storyline: You visit your father's lab and someone quickly captures your attention.

Today, was your first day of work at your father's lab. Since, you graduated and you owned a sci-tech diploma, your father immediately found you a job. With him, and his partners.

"Hello, who are you? And, how may I help you?" A man with black curls asks you, as soon as you crossed the lab.

"It's my first day of work here!" You announced, smiling.

"What's your name, sweetie." You smile at how oblivious he was.

"I'm Y/N, Y/N Queen." He stands up and drops the pen he held in his mouth.

"I'm terribly sorry, I should have known with those green eyes of yours, follow me, please. I'll show you around."

Cisco was his name. You smile as he shows you the big machines, that your father talks so much about. "And, here is Barry Allen. Or the Flash. Call him whatever you want," he laughs.

A guy walked towards you, smiling. "Hello, I'm Barry, and you are?"

"Y/N," you didn't say your last name.

"Really nice name. What about I show you the rest, and after we can grab a coffee and get to know each other?"

"Enjoy yourself," Cisco says smirking and lightly pushing you towards Barry.

After the tour, you guys exchanged numbers, you went to take your coat from the closet. You saw your dad arrive, and he walked straight towards Barry.

"Isn't she beautiful? I'm taking her for coffee," He was smiling until Oliver was looking at him with a serious face.

You walk towards them. "Barry, I think you met Y/N, my daughter." At this moment, Barry stopped smiling and he looked at Oliver with a shocked face.


You laugh and extend your hand. "Hi, I'm Y/N Queen. Your boss's daughter." You smirk. Your father laughs as Barry's face didn't change a bit. "Still up for the coffee?"

"Oh, definitely."

Cisco comes back with files, "so? Did he smack you for taking his daughter out?" It was your turn to laugh.

"You knew? And, didn't tell me?" Barry whispers and almost shouts.

"I wanted to see his reaction." Everyone was laughing now except Barry.

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