40: Something New [M]

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Pairings: Luke x Reader
Status: Possible lovers

Storyline: You lost your horse and Luke volunteered to help you find it.

"Heee-haa!" I yell at my pitch-black horse. His four legs sprints in the field, the long grass snapping his legs. Rambo's black hair flies in the wind along with my brown ones. Out of nowhere, he jumps over a fence and everything went black.

"Lady, hey euh can you hear me?" I heard a strong beautiful man's voice.

I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm laying down in the back of a truck box. "Where the? Who are you?"

"I'm Luke. I was going home when I saw you laying on the ground. Can I ask what happened?" You look around and touch your head, sticky.

"Great, blood. I was riding my horse and he got me by surprise. I need to find him. He's all I got left." I jump down from the truck and immediately felt my knees waddle.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to walk lady." I roll my eyes in defeat.

"Please, call me Y/N. And, how am I going to find my horse?"

"I'll help you. But, first, you should clean up." I look at myself and he wasn't wrong. I should clean up.

"Where? My ranch is 20 km from here. And, Rambo is somewhere out here."

"My ranch is 3 km away from here. My mother has some clothes you could borrow. Come on." Before I could say anything he lifts me up, open his passenger door with only one hand, and places me on the seat.

"Er, thanks."

Just Gettin' Started by Jason Aldean was playing in the truck. I try my best not to sing along, that would be awkward. "So, tell me Luke, why d'you got a ranch?"

"It was passed down to the family and I kind of grew up there. It's nice to take care of something for other people. My father loved this ranch more than I knew."

"I agree." I study Luke for a second until he caught my gaze. A grin appeared on his face.

"What about you Y/N? Why d'you got a ranch?" I knew I shouldn't have asked him.

"I got it three months ago, after my brother's death. I completely lost it, and every time I would come to check the ranch I saw him, everywhere. I decided to buy it and start my life over here."

"I'm sorry. Your brother died of what, if I may ask." I smile and nod.

"Bull riding."

Luke stops his engine in a field. "We need to walk from here, I'll carry you." I shake my head.

"I'm good now."

"What's your brother's name?"

"Aiden Scott."

"I didn't know Aiden had a sister."

"You knew him?" I gasp. He smiles remembering something.

"Yeah, he was my mentor."

My eyes went wide. "You bull ride?" I look at his body frame. "Yeah, okay you do. Just be careful, Luke."

"I'm always careful," he takes his hat off and places it on a hook once we get inside.

"Yeah, my brother said that too." Now, there was an awkward silence.

"Hum. There's the shower, I'll come back with some clothes. Make yourself at home." He hands me a towel, lightly brushing my hand as he places it in. Luke looks at the floor and went into the kitchen.

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