49: My Choice [TW]

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Pairings: Stiles x Reader
Status: Dating

Storyline: You decide to sacrifice yourself, to save the ones you love.

The alphas were getting closer to their target. The only solution was to sacrifice your life and your powers stolen from Deucalion. "Y/N, you can't do this. I am not letting you do this," Derek, your oldest brother says.

"Derek, it's the only way. I know what I'm doing."

Scott growls and shakes his head, "Does Stiles know what you're doing?"

"What are you doing?" Stiles says entering the room. He walks straight towards you for a kiss but you move so he ends up kissing your cheek.

"Y/N, would you like a moment alone with him? I mean, if you want." Allison asks politely.

"No, no. You're not breaking up with me are you?" You could hear Stiles heartbeat increase.

"No, well I don't know."

"Y/N, what is it?" You look at Scott, Derek, Allison, then at your boyfriend.

Tell him, tell him now. Derek was inside your mind, you glare at your brother until Stiles' voice disrupted your thoughts. He looks at you, but you couldn't look back at him. "I know. I know what you want to do and no. Are you crazy? You're not giving yourself up for us, we'll fight this!"

You shake your head. "Stiles, no. I am going."

"HOW CAN YOU LET THAT HAPPEN? She's the last sister you got," Stiles says to your brother.

"Stiles, it's not his fault. Don't talk to him like this." You were growling, your shoulders were moving up and down fast along with your chest.

Calm down. That was Scott. Anchor, Y/N.

So, you thought about Stiles. "I'm sorry. But, it's my choice, Stiles."

"Fine, then I'm dying too."



"What about your dad? You're all he has left," you say trying to change his mind.

"What about Derek? You're all he has left," he says mimicking your tone. "And, what about me? I'm completely madly deeply in love with you, and you want to die?"

"Stiles," you start to say. Your voice is shaking. "Deucalion is-"

"I don't care. You're not doing it. We'll find some solution. Scott can ask his boss for help or something," you shake your head looking at him thinking it through.

"If your plan sucks, I'm doing it."

"Oh, trust me it won't." He says wrapping an arm around you. "I'll make sure of it."

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