30: Bad Feeling [AWK]

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Pairings: Matty x Reader
Status: Exes

Storyline: Matty's new girlfriend made you feel sick, like something bad was going to happen.

"You're awesome baby," you roll your eyes when Matty's new girlfriend spoke.

Matty smiled, then looked at you apologetically. You shake your head and slip away into the kitchen.

It was supposed to be your weekend with Matty and friends not with Matty's girlfriend and friends. Every time, you see her or hear her name something inside you is shaking. Like, a bad feeling or something.

You disliked her, 1) because she was hot even hotter than you. 2) She has been rubbing her love life in front of you.

You didn't know why it bothered you that much since you had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was home because you told him it was a friend getaway weekend. Even though Brad was in your life Matty was always going to occupy a huge place in your heart. No matter what.

You pour yourself a glass of water and tried to relax. But, you couldn't because all you could hear was her voice. "Hey."

Matty walks in the double doors from the cottage you guys rented. "Hi, yeah I know. It's probably Jake and I's turn."

"What? Oh no, Isabel made the final point."

"Of course she did," you said obviously annoyed.

"What's wrong, Y/N?"


"Y/N, we dated for three years I think I know when something is wrong with you."

"Fine. It might be the last weekend we can be together before I go off to college and you decide to bring your whatever she is here. I thought it was just going to be T, Jake, Sadie, Lissa, me, and you. And, I don't like her Matty. I know I have no right to say that but she's bad news, I have a bad feeling about her. I mean where does she even come from?"

"You're right. You have absolutely no right to tell me that. You don't even know her, you would if you wouldn't be so selfish!"

You shake your head, "You see Matty, that's where you're wrong. Who suggested we should have a getaway weekend? Me. Who organized it? Me. Everything I did was for you guys and you know what Matty Mckibben. I told Brad not to come because I wanted to have fun with you and my friends. But, I guess I'm just so selfish!"

You were furious, how dare he call you selfish? "And, I like her Y/N. Why can't you be happy for me? I'm happy for you."

"Oh please Matty, every time you see Brad I can see your jaw clench and your hands turn into fists. I'm just telling you because I care; be careful. I'm not always going to be there when you need me," you whisper the last part. You'll always be there for him but he can't know that.

You take your glass and walk away, but stop when he held your hand. "I think I should leave," you look at him and shake your head.

"No, stay. It's just, that even though I'm with Brad it still stings a little Matty. You were the first boy I have ever loved and always will. It hurts you know, that you don't care about me anymore or our friendship." You escape from his grip and head back to the living room.

"It stings for me too," you heard him whisper as you enter the living room where T and Jake were watching TV. Sadie and Lissa were gossiping on the net, and she was gone. "Where's Isabel?"

"With you and Matty?"


"Hey, where is she?" Matty stood beside you now. You turn to face him.

"Apparently she was with us," you look around. You knew something was off with her. Just then, you heard a car noise.

"OMG, she totally went SM!" Tamara yells making everyone confused. "Stealer mode!"

"Guys, my wallet is gone." Jake states.

"That bitch stole my credit cards!" Sadie yells and shows an empty cardholder.

Lissa's stuff was okay and so was T's. You run up the stairs and look at your stuff. "GUYS! I think we have a problem."

"What is it?" Lissa asks with everyone behind her.

"She took everything. My phone, our money to pay for the house! Matty check your things."

"Everything's there, oh wait." He takes out a ripped picture. There was you, Jake, T, and Matty. But, you were ripped out. "I swear it was intact."

"Can I tell you something?"


"I fucking told you so! I knew there was something wrong with her! I knew it! You were the selfish one!" You throw the rest of your things and walk out leaving everyone.



"I'm sorry. From now on, you'll have a say in who I'm dating, alright." Matty smiles and takes your hand. "We'll figure it out okay? Now come back in it's getting cold."

"Yes, dad." You laugh.

"Oh, I remember when you used to call me that." Your mouth formed an 'o' to his shocking comment but you started laughing afterward.

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