#80 Game Face [BONES]

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Characters: Sweets, Brennan, Cam, Booth x Reader

Pairings: Booth x Reader
Status: Secretly Madly in Love

Storyline: You decided to go see Booth's hockey game, even though you didn't understand the sport.

"You should come," Booth says as you examine a corpse.

"Where should Dr. Scott go?" Temperance asks Booth.

"To my hockey game."

"Oh, you should definitely go. You get to see another side of him. I was amazed the first time I went. He punched-" Booth interrupted her.

"Bones! Stop." You laughed at his sudden reaction and accepted to go.

"So? What exactly is this sport?" Sweets explained the objective of the game. "It's actually really simple."

"You never heard of hockey before?" Cam asks stunned. You shrug.

"I did, but I never knew what it was. This is amazing! Go, Booth!" You cheer along with Brennan. "Oh my God! This is really a violent sport!"

"I know! It's amazing!"

"WHAT? REF DO YOUR JOB, I CAN'T PLAY AND REF AT THE SAME TIME." Booth yells which surprise you. You watch Seeley skate faster and faster, with his hockey stick he trips the other player.

The referee blows his whistle and shoves Booth on the ice. "CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAW THAT, GOOD JOB."

You laugh. "What's so funny?" Sweets demands. "I understand his belt now." Your comment made everyone laugh, especially Dr.Brennan.

"His face is very serious."

"Oh, this Y/N is his game face." Cam points out to other players. "They all have their game faces on."

"Oh, here's Booth! Isn't this the detention box?" Sweets smile, "yeah, something like that Y/N."

You glance at Booth and when you see he's glancing back you wave. His face was very serious but, he looked back waving and smiling.



"Booth never smiles during a hockey game. He usually doesn't even look in the bleachers." Sweet explains. You shrug looking back at Booth. He looks at you again.

"You seem to be very special in Booth's eyes." Brennan suddenly says.

You smile thinking about how Booth is special to you.

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