17: Beautiful Stranger [TVD]

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Pairings: Damon x Reader
Status: New Acquaintance

Storyline: You were alone that night, so you went out for a drink. At the bar, you meet Damon, the mysterious guy.

"I'm okay. I'm just going to head out, I worked all week. I think I deserve a drink," you tell your friend Lucy. She sighs through the phone but you can imagine her smirk forming.

"Alright, I'm sorry I can't make it tonight. Don't do anything stupid!"

You snorted, "Like what? Go out with a stranger?" You laugh because it's impossible. Mystic Falls is a small town, everyone knows everyone. If there was someone new, people would talk about it. You throw your cellphone on the bed going into your closet to change for the Grill.

You couldn't decide on a skirt or dress. So, you kept it simple and wore your everyday outfits. Skinny ripped jeans, a white v-neck shirt, and your leather jacket along with your black high heels boots. You weren't a big fan of makeup, the only product you use was mascara and lipstick. You grab your mustang keys and head towards the grill.

"Look, who we have here. Y/N Murray." You hear Matt, the bartender say as you come in. You smile and take a stool. "What can I get for you, pretty lady."

"Do you really have to ask?" He rolls his eyes at you and takes the bourbon bottle out of the cabinet.

"What brings you here? Work? Please tell me, you're not on duty." You shake your head taking the drink Matt served you.

"God, no! I'm off duty, just needed a drink, Matt. But, if you have any gossip I don't mind hearing it." Being a detective was hard, but in Mystic Falls all the things you heard could basically solve a case.

"Well, I'm surprised you haven't heard. There's a new stranger in town, I don't know his first name but his last is Salvatore." You casually raise your eyebrows, surprised you haven't heard of it yet. Thinking, you already heard that name before but couldn't remember where. "Oh, he just walked in. Don't look now but he has a leather jacket, black hair, and piercing blue eyes.

You slowly look around turning your head in his direction where you see him already staring at you as he walks to the counter. He smirks making his way next to you, studying your matching outfits. One thing you knew was Matt didn't lie about his piercing blue eyes. Damn!

"New in town?"

"Something like that, bourbon please." He asks Matt politely and looks back at you. "It's like looking at myself in a mirror except for the change of sex. Damon, Damon Salvatore." He extends his hand to meet yours.

"Y/N Murray, nice to meet you. Where are you from?" He takes a quiet sip of his liquid and smirks.

"Believe it or not, I'm actually from here. You should know that as a detective." You choke on your drink but swallowed fast, how-"I can see your badge attached to your belt."

You shyly smile and finish your drink.

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