6: Warrior [M]

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Pairings: Tobias x Reader
Status: Curious Attraction

Storyline: You were training and your instructor kept staring at you.

You were training in the pit with your friend Will when you felt eyes burning your back. You slowly turn around and see Four staring at you.

"He creeps me out," you look at Will confused. "If his stare could kill, I think I'd be dead already." You soon understand what was going on, Four wasn't staring at you but at Will because you were with him.

"Don't be ridiculous Will, I'm sure he's very nice." You said not sure if it was true since you don't know the guy. But, you knew there was something between the two of you, a connection maybe. You punch Will playfully, and he pushes you smiling and laughing.

You guys walked over to the knives table and you secretly eavesdrop on a conversation.

"Four, you should choose your team." Eric's voice echoes in your ears, you hated his guts.

"I'm choosing her, and for the rest I still got time." Eric laughs and starts insulting you. Your knuckles were tightening, and the knife in your right hand was slipping from holding it too tight with a sweaty palm.

"The stiff? You're insane, she can't even stand a fight, how do you expect her to fight with you against my team?"

"Her name is Y/N, and don't forget I was a stiff too, and I've beaten your ass multiple times. I'd do it again, anytime. Anyways, I saw her train, and she fights like a warrior but she just has to choose her own battle."

You smile and throw the knife in the middle of the bull's eye, you turn around and glance at Eric, without thinking you winked and walked away with Will by your side.

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