Under Control

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We spent days training. Hikaru figured out that I transformed when i was either dying or angry. And that other time with Naruto, when, hm.. you know..
Anyway, he was trying to exhaust me to death or make me really mad to wake the other part of me and Mayumi was trying to make me control it. It was risky, but I had to do it.
And today wasn't any different.
I fell on the ground, exhausted, with my training clothes covered in mud and dirt.

"I can't do this anymore!" I said, nearly losing consciousness.
"Okay this is useless!" Mayumi complained. "She's gonna die like that! I promised Naruto I'd take care of her and if she dies you know what will happen to us!"
"He'll odama rasengan us?" Hikaru said.
"Well, yeah!"

Mayumi came closer to help me up. I had used up all my chakra.
"Come on, Akari. Get up." She said gently touching my shoulders but I was already asleep.


I woke up on the bed. My head was spinning. Mayumi gave me a glass of water.
I took a sip.
"That's sake!" I yelled at her. She shrug. "Okay, whatever..." i took another sip.
"Feelin better?" She asked.
"I guess. How long was I out?"
"Few hours. We really pushed you. Sorry for that." She took a sip of sake from my glass.
"It's okay. But I think we need to try something else." I sat up. I noticed I was in my bra. Mayumi had her legs up on my bed.
"Did you undress me?"
"And I liked what I saw. Okay, anyway...We need to come up with something that'll trigger the transformation. Like something to call on her."
"Like hand signs?" I asked.
"Worth trying."

I jumped from the bed, grabbed my top and ran outside barefoot. She followed me. I got to the lake and stepped on it.
"What do you want from that poor lake, Akari?!"
"Don't know, it calms me. Okay, let's try!"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Felt the chakra running up and down my body, even felt the water touching my feet.
The breeze softly ran on my shoulders, through my hair. I took another breath and formed a hand sign. I guided the chakra through my body with the signs. I could think of a one way to cause a "near death" situation. Mayumi was standing on the bank, observing, waiting for my action.

Suddenly I cut my chakra flow, but it didn't go as planned. I fell into the water.
I heard Mayumi calling my name. Guess she was worried. But it worked! Glowing lines started to cover my body. 
I tried to go up but something pulled me down. I started ro struggle, I was lacking air, I had to go up!
And as I was struggling, he appeared. That guy in white. He was floating in front of me like a mirror image of myself. He smiled at me. He looked like a sea creature. He was ravishing!

Staring at his beauty I didn't realize how long I had stayed in the water. I was out of air, now this was "near death" situation.
Suddenly Mayumi dragged me out of the water.
"You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled on her knees, soaking wet. I looked at her. Her face was becoming unclear to me, I was losing it.
"Oh no, Stay away!" I pushed her.
"Woah! What do you mean.."
"Stay the hell away. Go!" I said, covering my face. I didn't want to hurt her. Mayumi stepped back and got ready for defense. I was struggling really hard. It felt like being possessed by a demon. It wanted me to hurt, to kill and destroy. It terrified me.
"Hey, remember that night we talked here, in this exact place?" She tried to talk me out of it. "Remember I told you about the anchor?"
"What are you doing?! Run, please!" It was painful. I yelled with tears running down my face. "I'll kill you Mayumi, I want to. Please!"
"Think about your anchor, Akari! Hold on to it! You're stronger than her!"
"I can't..."
"You can! I believe in you!"

What did she say?
She believed in me. Like Hikaru believed in her... Like Kosuke and Naruto did. I had to do it for them. I remembered why I was here in the first place. For the people who cared about me and now Mayumi was one of them.
Narutos face appeared in my mind asking me to come back. I started fighting it, keeping it together and finally I gained control. I pushed it back until it finally disappeared from my skin.

"Yea! That's my girl!" Mayumi jumped from joy. I was still exhausted. I layed on the ground, facing up, breathing heavily.
"Fuck, I need a drink!" I mumbled.
"Thought you'd never ask!" Mayumi layed down next to me.

"What the hell happened guys?! I heard screams and stuff!" Hikaru came running and found us on the ground, both wet, both laughing.
"And we're relying on this guy?" Said mayumi pointing at him.
"Watch it, slut!"
"Hikaru, I did it!" I got up and jumped on him, making his clothes wet.
"Did what? Oh, you're wet, stay away, what the fuck, man!" He pushed me back but I hugged him anyway.
"Hikaru, when a girl is pushing her body on you and she's wet.. that's actually a good thing. Dude, you're getting old." Said Mayumi with a smirk on her face.
"Do you always have to make everything sound so dirty?!" He said with a grumpy look.
"Come on, Akari. Let's take a shower and celebrate!" I jumped on Mayumis back and headed towards the house, leaving Hikaru confused.
"Now that sounds dirty. Can I watch?"
"Ew, don't even think about it, old pervart!" I said.
"Not you too, Akari."

"Here's to victory!"
"Mayumi, it's not a victory. It was the first try and we still have to..." Mayumi rolled her eyes to Hikarus words and turned to me. I raised my glass and we drank.
"That's an accomplishment, grandpa! She was able to control it on the first try and all on her own!"
"That's not right." I got into the conversation. "You guys helped me a lot. I can't explain how but I did this with your help."
"Well, here's for friendship! Drinks up!"
"Okay, I can't miss that one." Hikaru took his glass.


We were sitting in a pub in the nearest village, which was 2 hours away from our place.
After a few drinks, Hikaru got wasted. It was funny until he started hitting on random girls in the streets. It was midnight.
"I mean these two think that I can't have sex!" He had caught some poor girl and talked nonsense. "She even said that I'd dislocate my hip if I tried to have sex. Who the fuck does that right?" He mumbled laughing.
"I'm not really interested." Said the girl with an awkward smile.
"Pfft...I'm not virgin!" He went on and on, barely keeping his eyes open. "Do I look like a virgin to you?!"
"Okay, it's time to go home, Hikaru!" Mayumi grabbed his arm trying to drag him away from that poor girl. "You're drunk, buddy!"
"I'm not a virgin!" He was screaming so everyone could hear him. I was laughing so hard my abs hurt. "That's bullying, Mayumi! I'm a victim of bullying! I need help! Somebody help!"
"Shut up, Hikaru!" She covered his mouth with her hand. "I have to take him home!"
"I'll catch up!" I said going to apologize to that girl.

Mayumi lavitated drunk Hikaru. He accidentally hit his head on the banner and passed out.
"Fuck! That might've hurt. At least he's quiet. Meh, whatever... catch up Akari!" She said and went to the gates. 

I walked up to that girl.
"I.. I'm really sorry about that!" I said scratching the back of my haid, my cheeks slightly blushed.
"Your friend is an idiot!" She said and turned away.
"Rude.." I mumbled and decided to leave, but I saw that mystery guy in white. He was looking at me with his arms crossed, smiling. As soon as our eyes met he turned away and left.
"Oh you're not getting away this time!" I said and ran after him through the dark streets.

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