Chapter 5

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Hello Guys! :D So I'm on my semestral break so BENEFITS TO YOU GUYS! :D Oh I forgot to mention, PLEASE SPEAK UP! I REALLY NEED YOUR OPINIONS! PLEASE (As you can see, I'm desperate) I DONT BITE I SWEAR! :D Anyway, continuing with the story... 

Enjoy x



I actually don't know why I made that deal with her. But whatever. I'll still benefit from it anyway. I've also decided to be nicer to her. Well just until she helps me and I'm done getting Louis for her. After that, I'll continue my ways. 

These past few days have been hard, but I know they'll pay off. Studying isn't so bad after all. 

"So, just multiply this with that then divide. And there you have it." Steph explained. 

"Ohhhh! I get it now!" I cheered. 

"So just follow those steps in the test then you'll ace it for sure." She smiled. 

"Ok. But I'm actually nervous though. I mean if I dont pass this, I'm screwed." I admitted. 

"Zayn Malik is nervous? Well that's a first." She teased. 

Wow! She's actually the one bullying me right now? 

"Whatever! Nevermind what I just said!" I covered. 

"Its ok to be nervous." She giggled. "I get nervous too when I take a test."

"How can someone as smart as you be nervous for something you prepared for?" I asked. Uhm I think I just complemented her. Uhmmm

"Wow, I dont ever think you've ever called me smart before." She laughed. "Well, I'm not perfect. I sometimes forget the stuff I learn. I'm just like you, only WAY SMARTER." 

We both laughed. 

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "So I've been planning on how you can get Louis' attention." 

"Go spill!" She said. 

"Ok. Well I think it would be a good idea if you invited him for a sleepover with our other mates. And you can bring some of your friends too." I proposed. 

"WHAT? NO! The only people that have been inside my house is you and Marianne! I'm not ready to host a slumber party!" She complained. 

"SLEEPOVER. And really? Why are you so friendless?" I teased. 

"Quit it Malik." She stopped me. 

"Oh come on! PLEASE! Aren't your parents going away for the weekend thing with my parents too?" I asked. 

"Yeah so what! What does that have to do with anything?" She said. 

"DUH! If your parents are away, then you have the whole house to yourself! Honestly sometimes you're so stupi-"

But she cut me off. "Hep hep hep! No insulting me in my house Malik." She placed her finger on my lips. 

"Okay, fine. I'll agree on your little proposal. But you'll invite your friends. Not I." She added. 

"Fine, but you have to invite Louis." I said. 

"BUT WHAT WILL I SAY OMG!" She freaked. 

"Calm down woman!" I calmed her. "Just be yourself, but less annoying and less stuttering." 

"I DO NOT STUTTER!" She shot. 

"Yes you do! I see you and Louis in lab. You sound like an idiot, by the way." I laughed. 

"Shut up. I try not to okay. I know I sound stupid. BUT WHAT WILL I SAY?" She complained. 

"Okay fine. Pretend I'm Louis and you're yourself. Now go ask me." I said, preparing myself. 

"Okay. Hi Louis! What's up? So I have this slumb-" 

"SLEEP.OVER. Honestly, last time I've heard someone say slumber party is when I was 6." I corrected. 

"Fine! I'm having this SLEEPOVER in my house this weekend. Would you want to come?" She continued. 

"Why, I would be happy to!" I acted like Louis. 

"REALLY? OMG! GREAT! I'll text you the details." She cheered. 

"Cool." I said. 

"Okay, how was that?" She asked. 

"That'll have to do. But easy on the 'REALLY? OMG! GREAT!'. Its too much." I explained. 

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "So when do I ask him?" 

"Ermmmm..... Tomorrow." I said. 

"Okay. But I have to tell my parents first." She said. 

"Okay." I said. 

"Okay so back to this math problem....." She said. 

"KILL ME NOW!" I complained.


The next day. I told her to ask Louis at lab time. Since I'm just at the back and I will be able to monitor every flaw she makes. I already asked Niall, Harry, and Liam and they said they'll come. But they found it weird that it was in Steph's house since they know I bully her. But they're up for it so yeah.

(Lab Time) 

From my position, I can hear their conversation. 

"So just pour that substance into that testube." She started. 

"Thanks Steph." Louis smiled. 

I can see she's blushing. Its so obvious. 

"So, Louis. I'm having this sleepover at my house this weekend. Would you maybe want to come?" She asked. 

"Well Sure!" He said. "Who else is coming?" He asked.

Uh-oh. We didnt discuss that.

She looked over her shoulder and was murmuring something at me. She looked like she was going to hyperventilate. 

After an exchange of heated murmurings, she finally faced Louis again. 

"Uhm well my friend Marianne is going to be there and Harry. Also Niall, Liam and uhmmm Zayn." She said. 

"Wow! You and Zayn must have settled your differences! Well, anyway. I'd be happy to come." Louis answered. 

"Cool. I'll text you the details." She smiled really widely. 

She looked over her shoulder again and murmured 'YES!' to my direction. I smiled at her. IT ACTUALLY WORKED. 

After class, Steph and I met outside our classroom. 

"OMG HE SAID YES!!!!" She cheered. 

"I KNOW!" I also cheered. 

Then we both attacked each other with a hug out of no where. 

The feeling of being in each other's arms was quite........unusually pleasant. I felt this kind of shock in me as she hugged me. As soon as I noticed that reaction, I instantly pulled away. 

"Uhm that was uhmm." I stuttered.

"Yeah uhm that was uhm." She also stuttered. 

"YEAH SO SEE YOU LATER BYE!" We said in unison then we went our seperate ways. 


Tell me what you think! :D  

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