Chapter 32

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Hi guys!

Very sorry for the slow update.

Enjoy! x



After Steph and Marianne had left, I went over to the couch with the other boys and sunk in it.

They all stared at me with huge grins and made me feel uncomfortable. "What?"

"Oh come on Zayn, who's the hero? Who's the hero?" Niall goofily wagged his eyebrows while poking my face.

I rolled my eyes and sat up straighter.

"That was mighty brave of you Zayn. I'm proud of you." Liam smiled.

This caused me to blush. "It was nothing."

Okay so it's not really nothing. I know it's a big deal. But when I did it, I really felt like I had to. Because its my job to protect her.

"So what are you and Steph now? As in, relationship status." Louis asked.

I pursed my lips then sighed. "I guess, we're friends."

Their bright faces turned to sympathetic ones. I want nothing more than to be with Steph. But now, just thinking about it, I don't really know if I still have hope.

I sunk deeper into the couch and covered my face with my hands. The thought of being just friends feels like a stab to my chest.

"I don't think she wants to be friends with you Zayn." Harry broke the silence.


"She just wants time, like she said. After all, she did say that she loved you." Harry further explained.

"When do you think I should try again?" I asked, regaining some hope now.

"Eh give her 2 weeks tops and she'll get over it. Besides, Steph isn't the kind of girl to mope over boys. Excluding you of course." Louis winked at me.

I sat up straighter and looked at them with stern eyes. "You sure about this?"

"Oh positive! We'll even help you if you want!" Niall cheerily suggested. The boys' eyes suddenly lit up then nodded their heads profusely.

I stopped and thought. I know asking her at breakfast was too early. I knew it at that time, but I was just so desperate that I got caught up in the moment.  

 Maybe given time, she'll give me a chance. She did say that she wasn't saying no to giving me one.

"Well, it's worth a try." I said as they all cheered and went on with helping me.

It's worth a try.



(2 weeks later)

I have been recovering since what had happened. I get numerous messages, calls, posts, door bell rings, from Seth everyday saying that he wants me back.

It's been really bugging me lately. I don't know if I could take hearing his voice and not imagine what would've happened that night.

I've cried once or twice but I always scold myself if I do. I have no reason to, I just don't.

I didn't mourn the end of our relationship like what you would normally do when you've broken up with someone.

But I have to be honest. The top things to buy in my grocery list are chips and ice cream. They have been my companion throughout these weeks.

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