Chapter 12

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The boys’ concert for MSG was so AWESOME OMG! Too bad I didn’t go because I live all the way here in freaking Asia! L I am so sad. Because I’m sad, this will be a sad chapter too. Well for Zayn it would be. L Anyway, I am sorry for not updating. Its exam week and I need to study so yeah. Please forgive me. I updated so I can leave you with this until my exams end then I will go back to writing regularly :)




I was up in my room when I heard the doorbell ring. Knowing that my parents were at work, I hurried down the stairs to get the door. There by the door, was Steph smiling like something amazing just happened to her life.

“HE ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!” She exclaimed from the moment I opened the door.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

Even though I was angry and sad at the inside, I tried to be happy for her on the outside. UGH FUCK YOU LOUIS!

“Really? Wow that’s great!” I put on a smile for her.

“Thanks for doing it.” She said.

“For doing what?” I asked.

“For helping me. I saw you two talk a while ago. You know Zayn, you’re not as bad of a person that I thought you were. Honestly, when you made that deal with me, I was kind of expecting that you wouldn’t keep it. But you did! So thanks for that.” She smiled.

She’s thanking me! And that smile dammit!

“Uh yeah. It was no big deal anyway.” I said.

“Well, thanks again.” She said.

“Yeah, you’re welcome.” I replied.

“Well, I’ve got to go. Bye Zayn.” She said.

“Yeah, bye.” I sighed.

I was about to close the door when she spoke up.

“Oh and Zayn. I’m sorry.” She spoke.

“Sorry for what?” I asked.

“For all the things I said to you since the moment we became enemies.” She replied.

“Yeah, its ok. I’m sorry too. You’re not a bitch at all.” I laughed.

She laughed as well.

“Hey, I hate you.” She smiled.

“Yeah, I lo- I mean I hate you too.” It slipped. OH NO

She giggled and left.

After she left, I went to my room and just collapsed on my bed. I stared at the ceiling, wondering what it could have been like if I didn’t start bullying her. A lot of thoughts came to my mind.

1)    We could have been best friends.

2)    She could have a crush on me and it would be mutual. And

3)    She could have been mine.

The night I told her that the reason that I bullied her all along was because she broke my toy, was a total lie. The real reason is that I had this crush on her that only my boy playmates know (What? I was like 5 or something) and they kept on teasing me about it. So, I got pressured and started being mean to her.

I looked out the window to see Steph jumping up and down with her phone close to her ear. She’s probably telling Marianne about the news. Wait! Why did she tell me first? Why didn’t she tell Marianne before she told me? Does this mean something? No, it doesn’t because NEWS FLASH MALIK, you are just assuming.




Marianne: Steph? Why do you sound excited? AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL DAY!


Marianne: HOLY CRAP! WHEN?


Marianne: Wait. Why did Zayn have a celebration thingy?

Me: Oh, because he got an A- in his test which I helped him with. BUT ENOUGH OF ZAYN, LOUISSSSSSSSS!!!!

Marianne: I am so proud of you! How did he ask you?

Me: Well Zayn, I assume, talked to him and yeah!

Marianne: OMG! I want to help you pick out your outfit ok!

Me: Don’t you think that’s too superficial?

Marianne: No, not at all.

Me: Ok, fine. See you later!

Marianne: Okay, bye! WOHOO I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU.

Me: Thanks! Bye!

End of call.

This has literally been the best day of my life! WOHOOOOO I AM SOOOOO HAPPY! Anyway, Louis said he would text me. Or should I text him first? Oh well. I’ll just wait. The guy makes the move, I recalled Zayn’s statement.

After a few minutes, I got a text. The text came from………. LOUIS!

Louis: Hey Steph :) So, are you free tomorrow night?

I checked the calendar in my phone. Tomorrow is a Friday! YES, I’M FREE!

Me: Yup! I’m free. :) x

Louis: Great :) See you tomorrow night ;) xxx

OH MY GOSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! A wink and 3 exes! HE LOVES ME.

I literally cant wait!


So, like I said. This was a sad chapter for Zayn 

Tell Me What You Think So I Can Give You A Dedication! :) 

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