Chapter 20

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I have noting to say but thank you for supporting this story! As of now, there are 4000 readers! You guys are amazing! In this chapter, you'll be surprised. ;)




Principal Higgins asked me to make a speech during the graduation, considering that I am the Valedictorian of our batch. I wasn't always good in public speaking. Sure I may be good at debating, but this is different.

I am cramming my speech right now and graduation is tomorrow! I hope it doesn't suck and sound like crap because I am suppose to "inspire" my audience.

I sat in front of the laptop, my fingers ready to type. But I couldn't think of anything. I found myself staring at the blinking line, ready to move to encode a letter.

MENTAL BLOCK is what this is.

So, I thought of the events that happened this year. There are countless events to think of but still I think about him. WHY DOES HE ALWAYS HAVE TO BARGE IN WHEN MY THOUGHTS ARE TRYING TO CONVERSE!

Ever since the dinner, I have been thinking of what he said. He's sorry but he's not asking me to forgive him? There's this part of me that does want to forgive but the hardest part is to forget. Cheesy, I know. But what's cheesier is that my "HEART" (oh gosh this sounds so dramatic) is telling me to forgive him already. All my heart has to do is convince my mind, and it is winning.

So I guess, I do forgive him.

At that moment, my speech was already writing itself. I found my fingers typing away.


(Graduation Day)

I am nervous. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. Oh god, I think I'm going be sick. The teacher gave me the signal to go up onstage. So I did.

As I was walking to the podium, there were applauses. Wow they're clapping for me. I got up the podium and took a deep breath, then started.

"Good morning to you all. So I was told to give an inspiring speech to you guys by principal Higgins. I don't think it counts as inspiring when it was only written yesterday." They laughed.

"Most of us are going to different colleges after we graduate. College is a time for us to grow up from being a child and to start acting like a mature person. It's a fresh start in other words. It is not guaranteed that you will be the same person you were when you were in high school. As time changes, people do as well."

"I grew up despising a boy my own age. I labeled him as a bully and my number 1 enemy." The crowd laughed. "Its childish, I know. I also grew up assuming that he was mean, obnoxious, and stupid." I looked over to Zayn and he was smiling with the crowd. "We called each other names, threw things at each other, and you know the normal stuff. But of course, every action has a consequence. Our punishment required us to spend time with each other and actually engage in a normal conversation. Oh believe me, it was hard especially when you really want to throw a chair at him to shut up." I admitted. "We forced ourselves to hate it, but we found ourselves getting to know each other more. This is when you realize how wrong you can be about a person or about something."

"This year I've learned that to live a happy life, you simply have to feel happiness. To achieve happiness, you must overcome any hurdle that life dumps on you. Your life will be easy if you don't make it difficult. You know what I mean?"

"If you want high grades, study. If you want to be successful in life, grab every opportunity that comes your way. If you want to feel loved, stop hurting other people. If you want to make peace, forgive and forget. It will require effort to do these but it will be worth it."

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