Church's present

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"Jace, what's wrong?"

"What are you doing?"

"Having dinner with Magnus."

"I need you at the institute."

"Jace, what is wrong?"

"Just please come and bring Magnus with you."

"Ok."  Alec says, hanging up the phone and turning to Magnus.

"What did blondie want now?"

"There's trouble at the institute and they need both of us there."

"Ok."  Magnus says, opening a portal.


Magnus and Alec walk out of the portal, holding hands, into the entrance hall of the institute.  Alec looks around then notices Jace cowering in the corner.

"Jace."  Alec says, walking up to Jace.  "What is wrong?"

Jace looks at Alec with panic clearly written all over his face, seemingly unable to form a complete sentence.

"Jace."  Alec says, shaking him gently by the shoulders.  "Where is the demon?"

Jace raises a shaking hand and points to the corner on the opposite side of the entrance hall.  Alec pulls his serph blade out  at the same time that Magnus summons his magic and they both turn around.

"Jace."  Alec says, trying to keep a straight face.  "Why is there a duck in the institute?"


"What?"  When Jace is unable to answer, Alec turns to Magnus and says, "can you please send the duck back to where it came from so I can get Jace to answer?"

"Do I have to?"  Magnus asks then when Alec raises his eyebrow at him he says, sighing, "fine."  He says pointing at the duck and it disappears. 

"Ok, Jace, what happened?"

Jace takes a deep breath and says, "Church bought it back with him and brought it through the cat door."

"How did he do that?"

"That is not the issue, Alec."

"It's not?"

"No."  Jace says, breathing heavily.  "The real problem is that a demon got passed the wards.  I think Magnus needs to reinforce them."

Alec starts to say something but thinks better of it, takes Magnus's hand and pulls him deeper into the institute.

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