dating a lightwood

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"So."  Magnus asks Rafeals best friend, Dylan fairchild, when he walks in. "What are you two doing?"

"We are going on a double date."

"Rafeal didn't say anything about you dating anyone."

"Yeah, her name is Courteney herondale."

"You're dating a herondale?"


"Most people would say better a herondale then a lightwood."

"Hey."  Alec says, walking up behind magnus. "I can't believe you said that."


"Correct me if I am wrong but I seem to recall that you dated a lightwood."  He says, trying not to grin.  "Then, I also seem to remember that you married said lightwood.   Or was I just dreaming?"

"Well."  Magnus says, turning to face alec. "It has most definitely been a dream come true."  He says, putting his arms around alec. "You are also nothing like any lightwood I have ever known therefore making you perfect dating material."

"Just dating material?"  He asks, pulling away. "I seem to remember you putting a ring on my finger."

"And I have never regretted it a day since I did it."  Magnus says, kissing alec.

"Will you two please stop it."  Rafeal says, walking in.

"Stop what?"  Alec asks.

"Being so weird."

"We are weird?"  Magnus asks.

"Yes."  Rafeal says as him and Dylan leave.


The two young couples unlock the door and walk in. Rafeal switches on the light and immediately wishes he hadn't,  seeing his parents clothes all over the living room floor.

"Why can't my parents act like normal parents?"

"I think they are adorable."  Sara answers.

"See."  Magnus answers from the couch. "We are adorable."

Rafeal shakes his head as they hear fingers snap and their clothes disappear from the floor.

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