will you get bored?

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Izzy looks up as the door to her bedroom opens and closes softly. When she sees her older brother standing by the door, she asks, "Alec, whats wrong?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"You promise you won't laugh?"

"Alec."  She says softly and holding out her hand to him. "I will never laugh at you."

He takes a deep breath and sitting on her bed says, "do you think Magnus will get bored with me?"

"Why would you ask that?  Magnus adores you."

"But her has so many relationships."

"Alec, if you are worried about it, ask Magnus."

"But you told me to never ask about his previous relationships."

"In most relationships you don't ask but you and Magnus have something so  special that it's not going to hurt anything to ask."

Alec smiles at his sister and says, "thanks, iz."  He says, ruffling her hair and leaving her room.


"Alexander."  Magnus says when Alec walks up behind him and puts his arms around him and looks at the skyline over his shoulder. "I wasn't expecting you tonight."

"I traded patrols with clary because I wanted to talk to you about something."

Magnus turns in Alecs arms looks into his face and asks, "is everything ok?"

"I don't know."

"You know you can tell me anything."

"Magnus am I enough to keep you interested?"

Magnus stunned asks, "where is this coming from?"

"Well, you have been with 17000 partners.  How do I know that you aren't going to get bored with me?"

"I could never get bored with you."

"You have been with some of the most famous lovers in history."

"Alexander, yes it is true that I have been with some famous lovers.  But."  He says, pulling Alec back to him when he starts to pull away. "Do you know who the best and most unforgettable lover I have ever had?"

Alec lowers his head and says, quietly, "who?"

Magnus lifts Alecs chin and says, "He is the most handsome and the most considerate and passionate lover I have ever had."  When Alec doesn't say anything but still looks worried,  Magnus whispers in his ear, "you are the best and last lover I have ever or will ever have."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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