you didn't know

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"Papa."  Rafeal says, running in followed by alec who is carrying sara.  "You have to help her."

"What happened?"  Magnus asks, following alec into the spare bedroom where he is laying sara on the bed.

"She was hit by a demons tail and knocked into a brick wall."

Magnus looks at Rafeal who is slumped on the wall. "Alexander, take Rafeal in the living room, I'll take care of sara."

"Ok."  Alec says, walking out with Rafeal behind him.

Magnus kneels by the bed and starts checking sara for demon poison.   He stops abruptly, looking at sara.  He lays his hand on her forehead, waking her up.

"Magnus."  She gasps.  "What happened?"

"You were knocked out by a demon but there is no poison."

"Good."  She says, relieved.

"Sara, did you know?"

"Know what?"

Magnus takes a deep breath and says, "while I was checking for poison, I heard a faint heartbeat that wasn't yours."


"Sara, you was pregnant."


"Yeah.  I think when you were hit, it hurt the baby."

She throws her arms around magnus, crying on his shoulder.

She looks up and asks between sobs, "does Rafeal know?"


"Can I talk to him alone?"

"Sure.  Your parents are here.  They are going to ask me what is wrong, can I tell them?"

She nods her head as he stands up, patting her shoulder and walks out.

"Rafeal,  she's awake and wants to see you."  Magnus says, walking into the living room.

"Is she ok?"  Helen asks.

"Yes and no."

"What does that mean?"  Aline asks.

"She's not hurt from the demon, she's hurt because she lost the baby."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah.  I heard it's last heartbeat."  Magnus says as they all hug.

When they all pull apart, helen says, "I think we should go check on them."

They walk down the hallway, open the door and see Rafeal sitting on the bed with sara on his lap, him singing to her, rubbing her hair.

"What is he singing?"  Aline whispers.

"It's an old Indonesian lullaby I used to sing to the kids.  I didn't think he remembered it."  Magnus answers as they close the door.


"Ok you two."  Alec says when him, magnus, helen and Aline walk into the guest room the next afternoon.  "We need to talk."

"Ok."  Sara says, looking up.

"We think you guys should be alot more careful."

"We are shadowhunters,  we are going to get hurt."

"That's not what we are talking about."

"Ok. What then?"  Rafeal asks.

"Well."  Helen says. "You are both only sixteen,  we know we aren't going to be able to keep you apart so we are just asking you two to be more careful. "

"We will."  Sara answers.

"Also."  Magnus says as they all start to leave.  "Stay out of our bed, we don't want another grandchild conceived in our bed."

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