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"Alec, can you..."  Izzy says, walking into his office.  "What's wrong?"  She asks, seeing the look on her brothers face.

"I just got an email from the clave."

"Is it bad?"

"Yes and no."

"Is it yes or no?"

"Well, the clave is wanting to appoint a high warlock of Alicante  because of how easily Jonathon breached the wards.  They want the head of each institute to recommend a warlock for the position."

"Then whats the problem.  Recommend Magnus and get it over with."

"I want to, he is a very powerful warlock and always willing to help, not to mention damn sexy while he does it but I can't recommend him."

"Why not?"

"Because the clave put a restriction on the recommendations stating that if you have any kind of personal involvement with the warlock you cannot recommend them."

"I'm sorry alec."

"Yeah.  Me too."  He says, pressing a button on his computer and then closing the lid.


"Alexander."  Magnus says, running into his arms as he walks through the door.  "Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you."  He says, kissing him with each thank you.

"What are you talking about?   Not that Im complaining about the welcome home.  If you are going to greet me like this all the time then I will come home more often."

"This."  Magnus says, holding up a piece of paper.

"What is it?"

"The clave has accepted my recommendation from the head of an institute for the position of the high warlock of Alicante.  You really didn't recommend me?"

"Mags, I couldn't.  If I would've, you wouldn't had been even considered."

"Oh.  Then who did?"


"What did you do, Alexander?"

"Lydia just became the head of the institute in Toronto.  I just may have told her that I would recommend her boyfriend if she recommended my husband."

Magnus smiles at alec, kisses him and says, "I knew I loved you for a reason."


Alec opens the email that just appeared in his inbox and smiles as he reads:

To all heads of institutes:

After careful consideration, the clave has appointed Magnus lightwood-bane as the new high warlock of Alicante.

Respectively yours, 

Imogene Herondale, Inquisitor

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