gembala demon

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Magnus is laying on the couch trying to watch project runway while trying not to think about alec being out on a hunt.

His cell phone rings, he picks it up and sees alecs picture on the screen.

"Hello, darling. Where are you?"

"Magnus,  it's jace.  Alecs hurt we are on our way to the Institute. Can you meet us there?"

"How long til you get there?"  He asks, standing up and starting to make a portal.

"We are about ten minutes away."

"I'll meet you there."  Magnus says, hanging up the phone and stepping through the portal.


"Magnus."  Maryse says when he steps out of the portal into the library at the Institute.   "What are you doing here?"

"Jace just called me, alec is hurt. They should be here in less then ten minutes."

They take turns pacing the library for what seems like hours until they hear the front door of the Institute open with a bang.

"Magnus!  Maryse!"  Jace yells as they both come running down the stairs.

"What happened?"  Maryse asks as magnus takes alec from jace and izzy and carries him to the infirmary.

"It was a gembala demon.  It came out of nowhere and was going after izzy but alec jumped in front of it." 

"Jace."  Magnus says, laying alec on one of the beds.  "Are you hurt?"

"It's just a scratch.  Worry about alec first."

"You need to draw an iratze,  I need you healed, alec is going to need your strength."  Magnus says, ripping alecs shirt up the middle.


Magnus walks out of the infirmary, looks at the shadowhunters in the hallway and says, "Alexander is going to be fine just asleep for a while. Jace should be awake in a couple of hours."  He says, slumping against the wall.

"How are you?"  Maryse asks.


"Why don't you go back in with alec and get some sleep?"

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not, after all you are almost family."  She says as her and izzy help him back in the infirmary.

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