3. where is Magnus?

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"Are you sure you are ok with me leaving?"  jace asks alec wile them and Izzy are sitting in alecs office.

"Why wouldn't I be?" 

"Because you could go into labor at any time and since Magnus is out of town, i am your backup coach."

"Magnus is only going to be gone a few more days and you won't be gone much longer."

"Ok."  jace says, reluctantly leaving alecs office.

"So, big brother, how are you really feeling?"

"By the angel." alec says, standing up. "I am fine."  he says, leaving his office.


"Izzy."  alec whispers, leaning over to her.


"We need to get out of this clave meeting."


"I'm in labor."  he says, taking a deep breath.

Izzy gasps, helps him up and helps him to the infirmary.


"Where the hell is Magnus?"  alec growls through a contraction.

"I've tried to call, text and sent him a fire message, so far he hasn't answered."  Izzy says.

"Get him here."  alec growls again.

"Alexander."  Magnus says, rushing in.

"Magnus."  alec says, looking relieved.

"How are you feeling?"

"How the hell do you think I am feeling?" 

Magnus smiles and pushes alecs hair out of his face.

As another contraction starts alec whimpers so he doesnt show how much pain he is really in.

He crushes magnuss hand and says, "you did this to me."

"I seem to recall you being there during conception, darling."

"If the only thing you are going to do is be sencable, just leave me alone."

Magnus walks over next to Izzy and she smiles at him.

"Don't take anything he says to heart."

"I'm not."


Magnus looks at the tiny bundle in each arm and smiles.

"They are beautiful." 

He looks at alec who is laying on his side looking them.  Magnus lays the twins in their beds and crawls into bed with alec.

"We need to think about names."  Magnus says, kissing alec on the forehead.

"Well I think their names should be special."

"How about Maxwell Alexander after you and max."

"And how about magdaline Sophia after you and Izzy."

They smile at each other and both say, "I love it."

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