88 - Nightmares 🇨🇦🇺🇸

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Ever seen that SNAP video of Yandere Sim? No? Go watch it (kubz scouts lol) 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

America burst into the room, running to his brother's side. He was unconscious, the heart monitor beeping regularly. America held Canada's hand, pulling a metal chair to the side of the bed.

"Mr. America," a nurse said when she came in. "Your brother seems to be trapped in a nightmare. He needs someone to free him."

"How do I do that?" America asked, keeping his eyes on his brother.

The nurse checked the blood pressure and other things, "He needs someone with a strong emotional connection. Then, we can send them into his subconscious."

"I will," America stated. "I'm his brother."

The nurse gave him a glance and nodded, "Very well." She took Canada's hand and America's and closed her eyes.

America awoke in a school of some sort. His school. It was all black and red, Canada was at the gates, hunched over.

"Canada!" America yelled, running to his brother. But he didn't hear him. Canada kept walking to the school. He was walking brainlessly to a student—America believed to was Singapore—but didn't stop.

Canada grabbed his face and dug his fingers into his eyes, making the smaller country scream. Canada ripped himself away and threw Singapore away, walking  again.

Russia this time. Canada shoved his hand into his stomach, pulling out and ripping all vital organs. Russia spat out blood as he fell to the ground.

Canada made his way through the school, killing everyone in gruesome ways. Defenestration, snap of the neck, thrown down the stairs, and slamming their head onto the wall.

Then America saw Canada approach Dream-America. America covered his eyes, peeking through his fingers. Canada gently held the sides of his face, Dream-America's face twisted with horror.

"If I can't have you," Canada said in a dull voice. "No one can."

It was the most horrifying thing America had ever seen.

Canada grabbed Dream-America's hair, another hand on his shoulder. With a forceful tug, Dream-America's head was in Canada's and and his body was laying on the floor. Canada then kissed the beheaded America, making the real America cringe.

America almost threw up due to what happened next.

Canada sat down on the floor and opened Dream-America's eyes, pulling out his eyeballs. Blood was everywhere. Canada set the organs down, reaching into his sockets. He pulled out all the organs from inside (yes, that included the brain) and set them aside, pulling out a box cutter. He cut the skin of Dream-America's face and pulled it off, doing the same to the muscles.

There was Dream-America's skull.

Then, he saw the hospital.

He jumped up and ran to the washroom, throwing up.


Words: 467

Oneshots of Whatever (mainly Countryhumans) (Finished-ish)Where stories live. Discover now