7 - Second Chance 卍 *Fascist Italy*

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Third Reich x Fascist Italy

Third gritted his teeth, pulling on the handcuffs. Everything was flooding with boiling water, the steam clouding his vision. The water burned his skin, making the former country panic more. He tried pulling at the restraints again, looking down at the water that was rapidly approaching. He looked back up that roof of pipes that his wrists were attached to, knowing he wasn't getting out.

As the water rose to his chest, tears started falling from Third's desperate eyes. He pulled harder at the cuffs, trying to get them off before the boiling water came any closer.

He was too late.

The scalding water engulfed Third's face just as he breathed out.

He was drowning.

The water ate as his skin like mini piranhas. It ate at him until he realized there were little devil fishes in the water.

His lungs were collapsing. He struggled to breathe, even if the hot water was sliding into his lungs.

Then, it all went away.

Third opened his eyes to find himself in a dark basement surrounded by America, Russia, and China. They were talking, but it sounded muffled. They were yelling at him. He was tied up.

He was tired.

He had already paid over 6,000,000,000 pounds for the war fines and degraded his military. What more did they need?

Then, cold ran though his body as warm liquid traveled up his throat and out his mouth.

Third looked down and saw America with a knife though his heart.

"That will make you stay away."

Third sat up, panting. He looked around the dark room, seeing it was his and his husband Fascist's bedroom. Someone hugged him, whispering little things in both English and Italian. Third turned and hugged Fascist, crying into his chest. Fascist rubbed his back gently, humming.

"Same as last time?" Fascist asked, kissing Third's head. Third nodded, holding onto Fascist's white T-shirt.

"I—It's always the same!" Third sobbed. "Drowning th—then getting stabbed b—by America!"

Fascist hugged Third tighter, "it's okay. He won't get you here."

It was true. In the middle of an abandoned forest was a plus when you were two of the most hunted countries.

"I know..." Third said, closing his eyes.

His breathing was ragged and uneven, his hands gripped Fascist's shirt tightly, even as they laid down.

In the morning, Third woke up to be deeply rested in Fascist's arms. He smiled gently, closing his eyes again.

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