16 - Broken Rules 卐🇨🇦

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Insane!Third x Insane!Canada

Canada was caught again.

They lied.

Like the girl Canada trusted before did.

But now there was someone else. Someone with his colours. He giggles like Canada too! And talks to his own voices.

They were both now strapped down with metal instead of leather bindings. And they had frequent doses of the medicine that didn't really work. And the forcefully-taken sleeping pills. They never worked on Canada or Third.

Canada spent the night singing softly while Third listened and talked with his voices.

Whoever heard it from the corridors would be scared as the hallways echoed Canada's already-haunting voice.

Canada was swaying in his chair, the chains rattling against the metal chair, as he was singing a soft song.

"Come little children
Your time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows..."

Third worked on trying to escape, gigging crazily. Drool collected at the corners of his mouth and dripped from his sharp teeth. The metal thing the doctors had given him to make him stop talking made him speak weird and down-right look weird.

The door opened and three people came in. One tall one and two shorter ones. The tall one had a rectangle face with black, then white, then red. The shorter one of the three had black, then red in the middle, and golden at the bottom. Then, the one that was slightly taller has their face cut in vertical lines instead. Blue, white, then red on the very right side.

Canada ignored them and kept swaying and singing, giggling sometimes.

"Mon Dieu... (My God...)" the middle one said. "Mon pauvre fis... (My poor son...)"

"Vater... (Father...)" the shortest one mumbled.

The tallest one bowed his head and left, followed by the two others. Canada paid no mind and pulled at the jacket more, giggling and laughing when it didn't work.


"I leave!" Canada cried out to nothing. "Please!"

"I come with!" Third yelled also. "Let go!"

Their words were broken.

Just as their hearts.

Kinda just a filler chapter
Words: 346

Oneshots of Whatever (mainly Countryhumans) (Finished-ish)Where stories live. Discover now