6 - Space (NASA x Roscosmos)

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NASA x Roscosmos

NASA gazed up at the stars, the reflection twinkling in his sapphire-blue eyes. There was someone America wanted him to meet tomorrow, so NASA was bound to get a good sleep.

Except that didn't happen.

Three o'clock in the morning and NASA was caught dreaming about the stars again.

His phone vibration broke him from his enthralled state. He looked down and pulled the phone out of his hoodie pocket.

You shouldn't be up, but when you see this, come to my house at nine exactly

NASA smiled and typed a quick response.

You shouldn't be up either

No reply, like always. He was probably with Russia anyways.

NASA looked back out the window, smiling slightly before turning to bed. He slipped in, pulling the covers over himself before his mind drifted to his own little world.


NASA shot up in bed, looking around frantically. America was standing there smugly, his hands on his hips. NASA looked over at the clock.

9:30 am

NASA rolled his eyes, laying back down, "we have to meet them at one, not ten. Let me sleep."

America grabbed NASA's wrist and pulled him out of bed, "change of plans. Ten."

"Whyyy?" NASA groaned. "Why did you do this to me?"

"Because I want to see my boyfriend," America said, pulling the sheets off NASA. "And you want to meet the person I want you to meet."

After a while, they made it groggily to the workplace. America immediately went to Russia and hugged him.

"Roscosmos is in the lab," Russia said to NASA, picking up his clingy boyfriend.

"Thank you," NASA said bowing his head. He walked down the long, white corridors to the large science lab. He swiped his identification card and stepped through the sliding doors.

NASA's eyes immediately caught on a smaller organization. Their flag was a field of white with a grey swipe and a red arrow. He was talking to Canadian Space Agency while writing on a clip board.

"Привет, (Hello there,)" a voice said, shaking NASA from his thoughts. NASA turned to where the voice came from and saw the organization he was staring at. "You are NASA, да? (Yes?)" He asked.

NASA nodded, "National Aeronautics and Space Administration at your service. You are Roscosmos?"

Roscosmos smiled, "да. I heard a lot about you during the flight here, but I never got told what you are like personality-wise."

"I'd be happy to tell you," NASA said, blushing slightly and guiding Roscosmos down a hallway. "Well, telling you about myself is quite difficult, as most people talk themselves up. For starters, I love space and the stars and planets and all that."

"Sorry to interrupt," Roscosmos said. "But is there a washroom anywhere?"

NASA smiled and started to walk quicker to the bathrooms, "of course."

They got there soon and NASA just waited outside, going over the notes about the newest rocket. Then, he got pulled into the room and pinned to the wall. He saw Roscosmos above him, smirking with lust igniting his vision.

"R—Roscosmos?" NASA asked shakily. "What are you d—doing?"

Roscosmos was silent as he licked up NASA's neck, biting in some places. "Do you have someone?" He asked in a darker tone.

"Wh—What?" NASA asked, having his wrists now pinned to the light blue tile.

"Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Roscosmos asked, standing up straighter and looking down at NASA. "The truth, Космос."

NASA shook his head, "n—never one that lasted,."

Roscosmos lifted NASA into a bridle style hold and carried him out of the washroom and down the hall. "Will you direct me to your house?" He asked, turning around and pushing open the front doors with his back.

They got to NASA's house and Roscosmos placed him on his bed, smiling slightly. "Do you need something, Космос?"

NASA shook his head, patting the spot beside him, "I need snuggles."

Roscosmos smiled and sat beside the other space agency and wrapped and arm around his shoulders. NASA leaned into him and closed his eyes, resting one hand on Roscosmos's chest.

"I love you."

"я тоже тебя люблю. (I love you too.)"

Words: 708

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