19 - A New Body 🇫🇮🇸🇪

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"You know this demon?" America asked loudly, glaring at his brother.

"Not demon. Ghost. But yes," Canada said. "Now be quiet."

"Never thought I'd see the day where Canada muttered anything close to an insult at America without my help," Dark chuckled.

Canada stepped closer, "Dark? Please come back to me. You need a host that will sustain you properly."

"Are you saying I can't be left alone?"

"No, Dark," Canada said, taking a few more steps. "Please.... Come back to me."

He was now face-to-face with "Finland." He could now see his flag was almost navy instead of royal blue.

The door then opened and a panting country was in the doorway. "What did I miss?" He asked in a thick Swedish accent.

"I'm sorry, Sweden," Canada said before pressing his lips to Finland's.

Finland was helpless as "Dark" was pulled out of him. Draining, yes, but he wanted him gone.

Once the two parted, Finland fell to the floor, shaking.

Dark was still there, whispering threats if he told anyone he was still there.

"Finland!" Sweden said quickly, coming over to kneel beside him. He pulled him up into a hug, kissing him gently and hugged in again. "Are you alright? Please tell me you're alright..."

Finland nodded, holding onto his boyfriend tightly. He wanted to cry, but he didn't want the others knowing how much of a baby he was.

"Cry..." he whispered in Sweden's ear. Sweden nodded and picked Finland up bridal style and carried him up to a room.

He set Finland on the bed and held him gently, running his hands through his hair or rubbing his back. He heard Finland start to sob, clutching onto Sweden's shirt. "Don't let me go..." he whispered as he continued to sob.

"I wouldn't ever," Sweden said, kissing Finland's head gently.


Finland fell to his knees, clutching his chest. Blood kept forcing itself out of his throat and onto the cement floor.

Did you tell them?

"You've been in my body the whole time!" Finland yelled. "YOU WOULD KNOW!"

Another invisible kick to his abdomen. He coughed up more blood and whimpered slightly.

Don't talk to me like that.

Finland got up from his room's floor and stumbled out, going downstairs to the large house's kitchen. All the Nordic countries lived in the same house, just beside the EU's house which was beside Asia, then North and South America.

He opened the cupboard over the fridge and got out the first aid kit with his shaky hands. He was sobbing, bleeding from multiple spots, and utterly tired.

How did Canada cope?

Finland took out the disinfectant and took off his shirt, dragging the clear wipe over the multiple cuts and scrapes on his arms and torso. He hissed as it stung, more tears falling. Slowly, he got out the gauze rolls and wrapped them around himself, crying harder as his blood seeped through the fabric.

He put away all the stuff with shaky, sweating hands, dropping a few things. His sight was all foggy and his hand-eye coronation was all over the place. He could barely put on his shirt, never mind going upstairs.

Finland turned to the entrance of the kitchen and his heart stopped. His soul decided to leave for minute as his lungs forgot how to be lungs.

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Greenland. All there, staring at him, wide-eyed.

"Finland..." Sweden said, a few tears falling. "What happened?"

Finland looked at him, sympathy and a longing to hold him and tell him everything twinkling in his glossy eyes. "It's nothing," he choked out. "Don't worry about me." He pushed past his family and want upstairs, tripping on the stairs and on thin air.

He collapsed onto his bed, locking the door. He curled up and looked at the mirror across the room.


"You don't question me, peasant."


Words: 652

Oneshots of Whatever (mainly Countryhumans) (Finished-ish)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant