76 - Love? 🇺🇸 and Child Third

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Fuck yeh

America stirred the soup slowly, his body and mind numb. His dog, ?$.;@-, was dying and "&;/! was dead. Soon, he'll be alone. The dog-soup was done and he poured some into a bowl, bringing it upstairs for ?$.;@-. He opened the door, about to greet ?$.;@-.

The bowl clattered to the ground, breaking and the hot soup spilling over the wood. America ran to his bed, tears falling from his eyes.

Dust covered the bed, the clothes of ?$.;@- on the bed. America sobbed, collecting the dust putting it with "&;/!'s.


America awoke, panting. He's had reoccurring dreams of two people dying. Was it his fault? Will it be his fault? He got out of bed and went to his bathroom, splashing his face with cold water.

He should go on a walk.

America slipped on his normal clothes and put on his shoes, flicking on his sunglasses. He left and walked down the street.

Cold and dark and lonely.

A gentle hiccup sounded from the forest.

America stopped in his tracks, listening.

Another hiccup, this time accompanied by a sob.

America walked towards the forest, the snow crunching beneath him. "Hello?" He asked. "Who's there?"

"Komm nicht näher (Don't come closer)!" A small voice said with authority, yet it was sad.

"Bist du... (Are you...)" America started, coming closer. "Bist du in Ordnung? (Are you okay?)" America asked.

The small person shuddered, "Nein, aber lass mich in Ruhe! (No, but leave me alone!)"

America looked around the frozen, forest floor. His eyes caught a small bundle of person, leaning against a thick tree. America stepped closer, seeing the person hid themself more.

"Deutschland? (Germany?)" America asked.

"Nein," the person said. "Drittes Reich. (Third Reich.)"

America stopped.

"What are you doing out here?" The American asked, sitting across from him.

Third curled into himself more, "You won't care."

"I promise I will," America said.


"Father kicked me out," Third said in German. "He said I wasn't a good enough of a Reich to be his son. He hates me."

America's body relaxed, "I'm sorry that happened. Do you want to stay with me for a little while?"

Third hesitated before nodding, "Please."

America smiled and gently picked the small country  up, bringing him home.

"Do you want a bath?" America asked, bringing the small country upstairs. He felt Third nod against his chest. America smiled and set him on the toilet, starting the water and adding bubbles.

He went to get a towel, but cane back to Third softly crying.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" America asked, dropping the towel and kneeling in front of Third.

"I thought you—" Third sobbed. "I thought you left me."

"I won't ever leave you," America said softly. "Do you want to bath, now?" Third nodded. America turned around while Third got undressed (no pedophilia here).

"Okay," Third said. America turned back around and kneeled beside the bath. He tied his slightly-long hair back and leaned on the edge of the tub.

"I have a toy duck, if you want it," America said, getting the rubber duck from under the sink. Third smiled and took the duck gently, watching it float around the water.

America scanned Third's chest and neck, his eyes trailing over the bruises and cuts and scars. Third was making a story with the duck, so he was distracted.

"America," Third said. America looked back at him, a soft smile on his lips. "Do you like yellow or purple?"

"I like purple," America said.

Third nodded and continued with his story, "And the purple... prince attacked the duck, forcing him to fight!" America smiled and ruffled Third's slightly-wet hair.

Third finished after a long while and America wrapped him up in a towel. He carried him away to his spare room, setting him on the bed.

"Do you wanna use some of my old clothes?" America asked, pulling out a NASA shirt. "They'll be a little big, so here's a sleep shirt." Third thanked him and America turned around again so he could change.

"Does it looked okay?" Third asked. America turned around and smiled. The black shirt went down to the small country's knees, the collar draping off his bruised shoulder.

"You look adorable," America said, kissing his head. "Now, you need some sleep." He laid Third into his bed, pulling the covers up.

Third turned to his side, "Could you stay? Or sing to me?" America smiled and laid beside Third, resting the smaller's head in his chest.

"You are my sunshine," America sung, gently running his hand through Third's hair. "My only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you." America rubbed Third's back slowly, "Please don't take my sunshine away."

Soft snores came from the German, America smiling and kissing his red hair.

"I'll protect you, Liebe."

Words: 815

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