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(7k. Wow. I'm so amazed. Why are yall reading this- and I have Hello *Adele* up here bc it was stuck in meh head.)


It was a regular day in pre-school- (or 3rd grade)
(Yee your young.)
You being bored, almost falling asleep in pretty much every class, you taking notes sometimes, you playing with your friends, all that junk.

Put today you had a new kid. It was somewhat rare to have a new kid join your class.

Your class was the worst class, always getting in trouble.

You huffed. Tilting your head, looking at the new kid.


They had soft red hair, staying down covering their ears.
Shark like teeth, wearing the school's uniform aswell.

Looking like a regular kid.

But the another person came in and it was what looked like a mother.
Their mother.

She looked at the red head and smiled, she did something with her hands, the red head smiling.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima!!" The red head said a bit loud. The mother smiled. Chuckling lowly.

The teacher then walked beside the red head.

"This is Eijiro Kirishima. He is deaf. He cant hear. At all. His mother will be right next to him at all times for him to know what is going around him. Using sign language."
The teacher said putting a hand on the red heads shoulder
"And he has a big notepad so he can talk to yall. He doesnt want to yell so he brang it for yall and him to talk to eachother.
He can also do sign language, so if anyone of yall knows sign language you can talk to him like that."

The teacher said while Kirishima showed the students his notebook.

Some kids smirked.
You were kinda interested in them.

After a bit he got his own desk, his mother sitting in front of him she listening to the teacher while doing the sign language. 

The red head taking notes on a piece of paper.

Soon class ended and his mother had to go for a bathroom break. The red head alone.

You and your friends decided to 'talk' to him.

The red head was drawing in his sketch book, not hearing your friends go over to him. His notebook next to him.

For a second you saw his picture he was drawing, it was a picture of Red Riot, it looked just like him! He was really good at drawing....

Your friends then opened the note book and wrote down things, the red head looking and smiling.

'Hey loser. You dont look like a person to be having friends. You got any? I hope not.' They wrote down.

You gasped. Tilting your head.

When Kirishima saw the wrote he tilted his head, feeling a pain in his chest.
But he began writing down.

'Hm? But arent you my friends?'

They all laughed.

'Why would we be friends with you?'

And they left it like that.

The red head huffed. His eyes being sad but consernd.

You huffed. Your friends walking off.

He stayed alone for the rest of the day.

A few years later, you saw him in the same UA class.

You were surprised.

When people tried to talk to him, he ignored them, because he couldnt hear.

He had no friends.
But as the years went by you learned sign language just for him.

You felt bad for him.

So you decided to talk to him at lunch.

You watched him walk into the classroom, his dull eyes scooping out the classroom.

He huffed sitting down, crossing his arms as he layed on them on his desk. Him staying quiet and alone.

"Hey (Y/n) ain't that the new kid from 3rd grade?" Sero asked.

(Ok.. so if your Bakugou your gonna have to like. Be rude. Be the mean Bakugou, but after a bit you warm up to him. Kk?)


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