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You worked at a job with creatures that you cant even explain

Your job is to watch over the monsters, take care of them, and note down what they do.

You got used to most of the creatures,

You got used to most of the creatures,

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Łåve, (L-ay-ve)

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Łåve, (L-ay-ve)

Ice Tiger, (or Ice katt idc)

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Ice Tiger, (or Ice katt idc)

Ice Tiger, (or Ice katt idc)

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And Mose.

Your favorite creature was Mose. It was always nice to you. Nice and calm.

You were taking a few notes on Twister until an alarm sounded, it was a new creature.

You looked at the empty class room, seeing a small part of the floor open up, a monster coming up all tied up until it was fully up in the glass room, it got un tied and it roared loudly.

You jumped, dropping your notes.
"What the!?" You jumped, going to your desk looking at your computer, their was a email about a new creature coming in.

"Fuck. I didnt see it-"
You began before the creature roared again.

You jumped, the other creatures looking at the roaring creature.

This place was like a rubix cube kinda. Their was five glass rooms, four in each corner and one in the middle. You could walk around the middle and see what's going on in all of the glass rooms, watching the creatures.
(Hope that sounds not confusing. ;___; )

You huffed. Looking at the creature, It giving you chills.

You huffed. It pacing around the glass room, it not noticing you.

You decided to try and talk to it to see if it can talk back. You walking over to its glass room,

(It being in a corner glass room-)

You watching it sit in the corner, its paws with sharp talons on its head. Its tail wrapping around itself.

What do you do?



What the monster looks like

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What the monster looks like. :>

Kk, so all the creatures your watching(Twister, Łåve, Ice Tiger, Mose-) can talk.
Twister, Łåve and Ice Tiger ((let's just call them Tigger)) are kinda mean.

Twister being in the middle glass room, a large string in its cage so it can climb around.

Lol be scared. :> XXDDD))

Sorry if its confusing I tried my best.

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