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(i present to you, the next chapter.)


You loved to fight.

You were in a battle arena, fighting guys that tried to stop you.

You were basically a prize.

If someone won, you'd be back down to where you started.

You are at the top.

But, someone decided to spice up the arena, Your boss, decided to get a full on dragon to battle you.

Yeah, your fights were interesting sometimes but seeing you win everytime..has gotten boring.

That was what your boss said. 

He didnt tell you...of course..

To make it even more interesting.

Once you were getting ready to battle, you had (You can choose your weapons).

They always let you win.

Once you were introduced to the arena, everyone cheered for you.

You laughed and raised your weapon in the air. Standing on the other side of the arena, looking at the big door. 

Something on the other side began banging on it.

You jumped, but tried to hide your fear.

"Aaannddd, on the othr side...THE RED REAPERRRR!!!!!!"

The announcer said, right after the full red dragon broke the door down and roared loudly. 

Everyone cheered, You gasped.

Your jaw dropping.

"What? I cant beat a dragon..But that is a cool name."

You said to yourself.


You raised a brow.

"THE RED REAPER IS BEST KNOWN IN OTHER TOWNS, ITS THE BEST FIGHTER IN ALL HISTORYYY!! CAN Y/N BEAT IT? WHO KNOWWSS??!!" The announcer said, making you swallowa lump in your throat.

"No wonder its the best fighter. Its a fucking dragon." 

You mumbled. 

Seeing its chains, There was a face chain, That led to chains connecting each leg on the dragon and big connectors on its wings so it wouldnt fky away..

and it had a big gray hunk of metal around its throat...Probably to not make it breath fire.

You watched as it looked around, sniffing the air, it had scares everywhere, especially the eyes. It looked blind. Its eyes gray and white.

"Easy enough. A big..Blind..Dragon. Lets get this show on the road then."

You said Waiting for the bell to ring.

Then, The dragon sniffed the air, then..directly looked at you..

At that moment, the bell rung.

It quickly ran towards you.

What do you do next?


Hello again!! 

So, this one im kinda excited for, but also im not.

This is kiinndaaa a fighting rp, but it doesnt mean you win super fast.

Its a dragon.

And, its harder to kill..

But, if you rp with me as fantasy kirishima, I probably mentioned that he has a weak spot.

Btw, if you go to overpowered in the fighting scene then i'll have to skip to whom wins the fight. 

I personally hate fighting rp's. but i kinda like this. 

So, I hope you enjoy!

So, I hope you enjoy!

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