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You were a dragon hunter

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You were a dragon hunter. Recently, there was a rare scarlet dragon in the next village over.
You decided to go and try to find the dragon, getting you things to go and walk over.
You decided to bring a horse, the horse helping you out a lot.
But when you got there, the rare scarlet dragon was gone.
People were already putting and hanging up wunted signs of the scarlet dragon.
You sighed.
You looked at the sunset, turning your horse (you can name your horse anything) around before seeing some red in the mountains.
That's weird...
You decided to go and look, your horse stopping as you tied the leash to the tree.
You quickly began walking up the mountain, it getting colder a little.
The ground got slimmer and steeper.
You finally reached the top, the ground just about a few feet out. You could slip and fall any step you took.
You huffed quietly, looking around to see the red head.
He had horns, and some scales on his face, the rest of his face coverd from his scarf.
His wings were tucked beside him, hiding most of his body but you could tell he was resting on the side of the mountain easily.
His red thing waving in the wind, showing his scaly but sharp tail hanging on the side.
Is that the scarlet dragon? It can turn human?

It took you a moment to realize that he had a slim sword. It looked sharp.
You gasped bc you came up hear with no weapons.

What do you do?


(Dont be overpowered. -_- )
(Sorry if you didnt wunt to get tagged >_<)

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