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(Inspired by the song above-)

You are a prince/princess of your mother/father that is ruler of the world

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You are a prince/princess of your mother/father that is ruler of the world.

But you hated being all proper and shit.


You loved dragons. You made sure no dragon was harmed in your kingdom.

(You dont know that some dragons can transform into human)

But, when it was the next night you had to have a royal family dinner with the other kingdom.

You, having to be proper again.

You sighed. But you decided that the night before the dinner you will sneak out.

When it was time for you to sneak out you laughed and was surprised that your actually snuck out.

As you were walking around in the forest, you could barely see your castle.

You didn't care. As you walked a little further from your home, you smelt something burning.

You huffed. Looking around.

You walked a little deeper into the forest but you gasped and covered your mouth while you saw a secret building and secret club.

(Its just random people dont worry-)

You hid in the bushes until there was a big roar and a big flame of fire, making the building almost break down.

You fell back and yelped.

There were some screams, and yells, you got up and looked around.

The forest was on fire. But not a bad fire.

You gasped as you saw the building falling.

You quickly ran into the building and saw a bleeding and hurt, chained up red head.

(Guessing he just has small and broken horns.)

The red head began struggling to get out of his chains around his wrists and neck.

Those chains connected to the ground, him being on his knees.

You gasped and ran over to him, the building could collapse in any moment.

You looked at the red head in front of you and huffed. Trying to stay calm.

What do you do next?


(Told ya I would be braindead. Lol. Got this idea from the music thingy at the top. Not mine. Sorry if you didnt want to be tagged

**edit- shit it messed up-** if you have any questions ask me boiii**)

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