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Kirishima was going blind at the age of 4, he didnt know why.

Nobody knew why.

It wasnt his quirk or anything.

He had a hard time at school, he got bullied and such..

Until he found you in high school.

Everything was blurry for him and he couldnt read, so he secretly had someone to read for him.

He had this secret for years, he didnt tell anyone.

The only people who knew was his mothers, and a close friend, Mina.

She kept it a secret too.

She was his best friend, she would help him out as much as she could.

She would sometimes pick the right outfits for him.

Anyway, he kept it from you as yall were friends, and soon you had a crush on him.

He had a crush on you aswell.

Even if he didnt know what you looked like, he loved your voice, your laughter, and your personality.

He loved you.

But he sometimes could think on what you looked like, and just see you like that.

But..he knew that he'd be temporarily blind one day..and he didnt want that to happen.

He wanted to see the colors..and he wanted to at least see a blurry figure of you.

But he didnt think about it alot.

One day, he wanted to ask you out for prom.

(Heheheheh yall be goin to prom yall better look noice. Lmao)

He was at his locker with Mina, he had a special locker near Mina so she could help him.

Anyway, he was fiddling with his figures while looking at his locker. "Oh god- what do I say?" He said getting paranoid.

(You can be Mina if you like.)

Soon, once Mina saw you coming down the crowded hallway, she alerted Kirishima.

Kirishima jumped. Not wanting to do anything now from how scared and embarrassed he will be.

 Not wanting to do anything now from how scared and embarrassed he will be

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(This is how he is kinda looking at you. Yes he does have black hair, and he is wearing a white hoodie.)

What do you do?


Yes I always tag Wendy's If anyone noticed. Lmao.


He is blind, kinda, he is going blinder by the day or second, he cant really see you only as a colorful figure.

Mina will kinda be by Kirishima's side all the time, she is like his bodyguard. Mina is also, like. The VIP person in school, has the opportunity to go anywhere she wants since she is with Kirishima.

No quirks, thank you.

I hope you enjoy.

Eijiro's Rp Book.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن