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(bruh. just pretend Kirishima doesnt talk in this one--- he just whispers into Bakugou's ears so Bakugou can say it--)


It was in 5th grade when you saw Bakugou.

You always thought as him as... weird.

He always goes straight home after school.

He always seems worried.

He always draws a red skinny dragon in his papers.

He always Talks about having a pet dragon that he had found in the woods stuck in a tree. 

You had had enough. You soon followed him after the end of the day. 

You reached his house, Bakugou was Putting his house keys in. 

he walked in, and closed the door. 

You almost gave up hope untill You heard him in his backyard. 

you went to go and see whats up.

"oh Kirishima! where are you?!" He was yelling at the forest. 


You hopped over his big ass fence and ran up to him. 

"AH! what are you doing here?!"


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