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(No picture again. Y a y)


Its been pretty long since you've talked to people, since you were.....


From other people..


Because you werent a vampire.

You pretended you were one, which Kinda worked.

It let you go to a school, a vampire school.

It's a pretty chill school. Lol.

Boys go to one side of the dorms to sleep, and girls go on the other side.

Some vampires are scared of humans. Just so you know.

Since vampires can hide there fangs, you just decided that you always- always - hide your fangs.

Most girls hide them, but a lot of boys dont.

Just to show off.

A few months of you somehow still being alive in the school, The Kid 'Eijiro Kirishima' went up to you,

Tilting his head.

You gulped and tried to act calm. You didn't know this person.

"Your new?"

He said raising a brow.

What do you do?


I dunno why I didn't think of this before. Lol.

No quirks, Bakugou is the bully of the school, (if your Bakugou then- he isnt.)

At lunch there is some food, and some blood drinks I guess. Hm. Yes. Regular food, without garlic, and bloody drinks.

The villains- I dunno why, but the villains are werewolves. Yeet. Be amazed.

Hope you enjoy this weird and sudden idea lol.

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