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But sadly, I do not have a picture of her. I just thought of her in class a while back, and I probably have a cosplay of her. So. Bleh. I'll try to be as descriptive as I can. ;-;


Name: luscin Krimic (Lus-kin Cry-mic that's how you say her name. Btw. :/// )
Age: depends on rp
Height: 5'3
Blood type: O
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Depends on Rp, if she likes you it's gonna be Pansexual, but her real sexuality is A-Sexual.
Birthday: October 16. (Yea it's the same as Kiri and Testsus LEAVE ME ALONE-- *cri*)

Description since I don't have a picture:
Soft and soothing voice, calming hazel eyes, a little tan, some freckles here and there. Black hair with some white highlights here and there. Her hair being mostly in a pony tail or bun. And her hair being in a pony tail with some long black hair hanging in the back of her head- I believe that will be covers by her fluff from her hoodie.

Quirk: she calls it 'Psychotic break out'
Basically, she can hurt herself as much as she likes but it will quickly Heal.
- Every time she gets hurt, she gets more psychotic every time. But it depends on how big the attack is, if it's just scratches then she just laughs or thinks of things. If it's like Bakugou's attacks, she goes insane for a bit.
- She hates her quirk. She wants to be like a hero.
- The psycho feeling will wear off, but it wears off in probably 1-2 days. Depends on how big the attack is.

Occupation: Villain.
Why?: She doesn't want to kill someone like a yandere, or make people call her a psycho cause she isn't!

Likes: Green Tea, movies, romance, sleeping, Hero's.

Dislikes: people calling her Psycho, monster, ect. Being a villain, her dad.

She mostly wears:
She mostly wears a metal crow mask, it covering most of her face, it almost looking like Kai's but the metal covering her eyes and forehead, black holes so she can see, (I'll probably show you a pic of you don't get it-) a big black hoodie with fluff around the rim, a pink and black camo shirt, and pink and black caimo sweat pants with black boots. She thinks the crow mask will hide her Psychotic symptoms.

And that's basically her villain costume too, she's very fast.

Best friend: Toga and Dabi.
Crush: Depends on Rp. But if its irl she doesnt have one.

Secret admirer: Dabi


She developed her quirk really late, she being only 7 when she noticed that she felt more...kill worthy.
She didn't know what the quirk really did, she only knew that she healed really fast. Not noticing the psycho part. It was when she fell off a cliff (don't ask me how) falling into the ground, her spine popping out of her back, but it quickly healed. It leaving a scar on her back. A huge one. But she hides that scar. But when that accident happened, she felt like a psycho. She wanted to do it again. Or she wanted to push someone off the cliff to see what would happen.
When she got older, she went to the doctor and they didn't know what to call her quirk. so she named it "psychotic break down" and left it at that. She being happy about her quirk. Until she thought. "I won't be able to be a hero with this quirk." She sobbed. Trying to cut her wrists, but it didn't do anything. She sighed. But got another option : "I could be an villain!" She said. But she didn't really like it. ..But she had to do something. So, she joined the League of Villains and met her best friends: Dani and Toga.


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I TRIED MAN. DON'T BULLY ME- *extreme anxiety talking*

You can comment questions.
I guess.
I'm sorry this is very cringy I know-
*I said with anixety*
You can ask if you can rp with her.

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