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Heh.. forgot to add this one. Song: Teddy Bear

And like I said before, please make yourself a little bit scared. Not too OP-- just saying.
Please dont judge-- but this is gonna be long. Oof.)

-----As a child-----

It was Christmas, and you smiled when you opend a present. "A grow a longs?" (IDK- DONT- AHH--)

You picked the red head teddy bear up, and hugged him gently.
"I'm gonna name him... Kiri! Were gonna have so much fun together!!" You squealed of excitement. 

You you did just that, played games, made friends together, been sad together, basically everything you did was with him.

But it all stopped when yall were sleeping, (any age) and he mumbled words you couldn't describe.

You got kinda scared when you heard 'kill' and 'poison'  you jumped, but went back asleep.

A few days later, you found a knife  under Kiri's pillow. After, he did try to kill you with it.

You and him got into a fight, you winning. But you with Bruises and such.

He got thrown out, forgotten. 


It was Christmas, celebrating with Class 1-A.

Everybody was having a good time.

The doorbell rang.

Denki paused and opend the door, bringing a box in. "It says it's for you."

You jumped, but opend it.

It was him.

You didnt think much, but you saw how.. hold and broken he was.

Be had the same black bow tie, bear ears, his red hair down, his mouth had stitches at the end. (Kinda like Dabi's) white blouse, black pants.

But the most unsettling thing was his eyes and... arm..

His eyes-- ir just eye.

One just empty, black the other with a glowing speck.

(There like Fnaf's eyes.)

His arm, he only had one. It was just gone, red stuffing coming out. His shirt still torn.

You mumbled, "hey aren't those them grow alongs?" Mina commented. Kirishima getting freaked out on why it looks so much like him.

You swore that reminded that of something. You looked at his black pants, seeing a Note.

'I'm back~'

You jumped, finally remembering.

You haven't seen him in forever, you completely froze.

"You ok (Y/n)?"

(OOOOOOF- ok. I can feel how much judgment is coming from yall. Heh.

But, hope yall enjoy this.
This can be a book-- wait. *frequently thinking* s h o u l d I?

I dont know whom else to add

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