Anoki stood back with Zoro and watched as the others waved Igaram off for his journey. Her single dark blue eye shifted over to Zoro and snickered at the sight of his face twisted up in absolute confusion. 

"What's the matter?" Anoki questioned out, her voice snapping his attention towards her. Zoro's eyebrows furrowed in such a desperate and confused expression Anoki had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. 

"How is his plan even going to work? I mean the difference between those two is huge. If I were Crocodile or the Baroque Works agents, I wouldn't even bother with this fool," Zoro explained. His shoulders were tight with tension and it was easy to see that this situation was somewhat frustrating for him. Anoki could understand his tension. If Igaram's plan were to fail, Crocodile and the Baroque Work agents would know where to ambush the crew. It's obvious that the Warlord most likely knew that they had the princess with them because of Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine, the two animals as well. Where else would they take the princess other than her home island of Alabasta. 

Anoki huffed a frustrated sigh of her own, ignoring the way Zoro's eyes became disheartened at the sound. "Think of it this way: the plan is obviously going to fail because of Crocodile and the agents who are higher up aren't complete morons. The higher up agents, or the numbered ones, all are ranked by their effectiveness, most likely in combat. If Igaram can at least stall the Baroque Works agents, we will have time to get the princess safely to her home country without many problems," Anoki reasoned, her head leaning against the concrete wall behind her. Zoro hummed in thought and before he could ask his first mate another question, the loud sound of an explosion filled the air. 

Anoki rushed forward and took a protective stance in front of Vivi and Nami, Shi already in her hands and waiting to strike. Vivi's loud gasp made Anoki's heart clench. 

Vivi had her hands covering her mouth to cover up the sounds of her rapid breaths and escaping sobs. Tears poured from her eyes and made her eyesight blurry. Nami's scream for everyone to get moving and out of there shook the princess out of her panicking thoughts, but she couldn't move. Her brain kept repeating how the man who helped her grow up to be who she is know is dead. The man who desperately wanted to help her save their county just got completely destroyed in front of her eyes. Calloused hands on her shoulders brought the princess back to the present and she snapped her head to look beside her. 

Anoki had a hard look in her eye as she stared down the princess. She tightened her hold and dragged one of her hands down Vivi's arm to clutch at her hand. Anoki gave her a reassuring squeeze, her dark eye never leaving Vivi's amber ones. 

"Come with us princess to the ship. We need to keep you safe and get you out of here," Anoki's voice was urgent but not harsh. Vivi gave the first-mate a weak nod, but that was all Anoki needed. Shi dissipated into black shard like particles that went back into Anoki's chest and Anoki swept the princess into a bridal style hold and started to run down the stone road. Vivi yelped and threw her thin arms around Anoki's neck and pushed her pink tinted cheek into the tall woman's shoulder. Anoki's tight hold on her minimized the way her body would have jolted with each powerful step. 

"Zoro! Luffy! Go get Ussop and Sanji, we need to get out of here as soon as possible," Anoki ordered out. She didn't need to turn around to see the both of them nod in acceptance, she knew they wouldn't argue with her command. Anoki kept her pace with Nami's, she wouldn't allow any harm to come to either of the women with her. 

The Going Merry eventually came into view and Nami let out a sound of relief and forced her legs to pump faster. Anoki slowed down and allowed Vivi to slide out of her grasp in front of the ship, ignoring the way the princess allowed her fingers to slid across her forearm. 

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