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I was still in shock when Zani brought me out of my trance.
"That's why I left, I'm sorry". She apologized, almost on the verge of tears.
"Zani, baby, you don't have to cry". I said as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Will you tell me what happened?" I implored.

She nodded her head, then she went to unlock her door before straddling me on the bed.

"Bronny and I dated when I still lived in Ohio". She began. "It was great at first and he was really supportive of my career. I was starting to get really popular and Bronny didn't seem to have a problem with it".

She looked at me to check if I was still following and I gave her a nod of approval.

"We went on a school trip to the National Nature Reserve and we were staying in a hotel nearby. I was texting Bronny from my room and he was in his, well, I thought he was. Then he stopped answering after a while so I decided to Facetime him and find out what's going on".

Her eyes brimmed with tears as she continued and I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"He answered but I could tell that it was by accident". She informed me.
"What do you mean by accident?" I asked.
"Immediately he picked up the phone he swore like he made a mistake and the next thing I knew he was moaning and a girl was calling his name. His phone was moving about and I saw my best friends face before the line cut off".

I was angry by the time Zani was done talking and I had the urge to punch something.

"Mikey, chill". Za'niyah pleaded while she caressed my muscles.
"Zani, I, I don't understand, why would he do this to you?" I asked flustered and slightly annoyed.

I picked her up and carried her downstairs, I placed her on the kitchen counter and I began to look for something to eat.

"Is this why you were hesitant about dating me?" I inquired.
"One of the reasons, I guess". She confirmed.
"Just know that you have nothing to worry about, I will never do anything to hurt you okay?"

I got a bag of chips and poured some into a bowl before sliding it across the counter to Zani. She picked up a few and was eating them when I walked over to her and kissed her. Anger distinct as I continued to kiss her passionately.

"Aww, the two of you are so cute". A familiar voice gushed.

It was Za'niyah's mum.

We pulled away instantly both flushed with embarrassment.

"Mum!" Zani laughed.
"Good evening, Mrs. Rees, " I greeted with a charming smile.
"Hello, Mikey, " She beamed.
"Call me later okay?" I whispered to Zani before hugging her and leaving the house.
I hopped off the counter and I began to help my mum with dinner. I was cutting up the vegetables when I was taken aback by a hand being wrapped around me.

It was my mum and she knew.

"You told Mikey didn't you?" She said softly.
"I did". I confirmed as I wrapped my arms around her.
"How did he react?"
"He was mad but I had to calm him down".
"I've always known that he loves you".

I smiled and helped my mum with the rest of dinner. My dad came home and we were at the dinner table laughing and joking around. I loved my family but I had this special relationship with my mum. She just gets me.

I wouldn't dare tell my dad about what Bronny did to me because if I did, Bronny may be in his grave by now.

"Zani, sweetheart, " my dad called. "We have a surprise for you tomorrow, so we want you to get up early and we'll leave the house at eleven o'clock".
"K". I smiled sheepishly.

Eclipse of the Heart: Bronny, Mikey or Dior?Where stories live. Discover now