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"We're almost set".

"Good job Mikey, now we just have to wait".
"I- oh, well" I stammered.

"You don't have to say anything, just let Dior know I want to see him as soon as I get back".

He cut the call and I just looked at Dior, I couldn't even read him. He just remained still and emotionless as if he was trying to process what had just happened.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine". He affirmed. "We need to talk though".

"I figured. Shoot".

"Well, while you were sleeping I was gradually tapping back into my past life and I figured out why you were targeted today".


"They're after me, they know I'm alive".

"So what do I have to do with this?"

"Zani, I love you more than anything on this Earth, and they know that. Since I refused and still am refusing to make an alliance with the Venice 13 they're trying to use force and that's by taking the one thing I love the most".

I blushed at his comment.

"Wait, I thought you were a Black Disciple?"

"I am, but when I resigned, the Venice 13 tried to recruit me and I refused. Solely because I wasn't interested, however they think that I'm plotting something against them".

"And to be sure they tried to eliminate you by blowing up your home". I finished.


"So what are you going to do now?"

"I've gone through the sources and I know that it's them. I need to get you into safety though". He said as he caressed his face in frustration.

I watched him call someone on his phone. Whenever Dior is in deep thought it kind of turns me on because it brings out his dominant side.

He got up from the bed and paced back and forth until the person picked up.

"Yo, when I call you I expect you to pick up as soon as possible. I shouldn't have to call you three times". He explained to the person on the other end.

I didn't hear the response because his phone wasn't on speaker.

"Yeah, drop them off at my house tomorrow at 2:15pm not earlier or later than that. Aight bye". He ended the call.

Dior came back and sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the covers off me and pulled me by my ankles closer to him. He began to slowly and lovingly massage my feet.

"Hmmm" I sighed.

"You like that?" He smiled.

"Yeah" I smiled back.

"You need to transfer to Oakhill".

"Why?" I asked, clearly confused.

"For your own safety. I need you by my hip, these guys that are after you are dangerous and it's necessary that I have a close watch over you".

"I can't just pick up and leave Dior!" His comment had gotten me a bit agitated.

"I knew you'd react like this".

"Of course I would react like this, babe, I have friends at Sierra. I can't just leave them".

"Do you want to die?" He stopped rubbing my feet and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"No". I'm mumbled.

He put his head back down and continued on my feet.

"Thought so".

"How am I going to convince my parents to let me transfer anyway?" I asked him.

"Leave that to me".

Eclipse of the Heart: Bronny, Mikey or Dior?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat