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"As in, Mikey Williams"

"Yeah...him" I confirmed.

"Since when?"

"Its been about a month and a half".

"Well, you need to break up with him". He grumbled.

"Dior!" I exclaimed.

"What Zani!" He countered.

"Do you love him?" He asked softly, almost a whisper.

"Dior, look-"

"Answer the question Za'niyah".

"No". I responded defeated.

We've only been together for a few weeks now, but I'm not going to lie. Lately Mikey and I haven't been as close and I'm not even sure if we're into each other like we were before.

I pondered for a while before coming face to face with a frustrated Dior.

"Dior, what happened and how are you still alive and why didn't you contact me sooner?"

"Zani, after the explosion I lost everything, I knew I couldn't stay at your place since your Dad literally hates me". He sighed. "After my mum, brother and I got back on our feet, I built up the courage to come see you only to find out you had moved".


"Anyway, I was determined to find you, so once I got enough money to buy myself a new phone. I got the specialists to retrieve my data and I used snap to find you".

"Dior, I'm so sorry". I gulped on the verge of tears.

"It's fine Z, even if I died I know you would have found your way to my grave eventually".

I smiled at that. We really were in love.

A year and a half ago, Dior and I were a thing and I loved every moment of it until my Dad started to express his hatred for Dior. I was warned to leave him alone but I never did.

Dior wasn't the most innocent person either, he had recently left a gang at the time but was still a target. Long story short, his house was blown up in an attempt to assassinate him and he was pronounced dead a day later.

I don't know why I even believed that he was dead, because its Dior we are talking about here. In order to cope with my depression I decided to date Bronny as a distraction and I was really starting to fall for him but that only ended in heartbreak.

Eclipse of the Heart: Bronny, Mikey or Dior?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα