Interview Aired

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"Our interview is on baby!" Kay yelled from the lounge and I ran in with my glass of wine and a beer for him.

He had Lottie asleep in his arm and I smiled, seeing the interviewer talking.

"So today I'm here with Kalyn Ponga and his fiancé Bailee. How are you guys going today?"

The camera went to us and I smiled.

Me and my baby.

We got into the questions and I grinned when it got to the one where Kalyn joked that I was pregnant.

"Gonna see some headlines tomorrow with that." He laughed and I smiled.

I pressed my lips on his and took a sip of my glass.

"Oh well."

He grinned and took a sip of his beer where the question about his family and him buying the house came up.

"You know, that's amazing that you did that."

He shrugged and grabbed another beer.

"It's just what I had to do."

"No you didn't baby, you've just got a heart of absolute gold."

He smiled and kissed my forehead, & we kept watching.

The question for me came up on moving in with Kalyn.

"Would you change anything about our story? Like how we got here?"

"Not a single thing. Oh, actually, maybe I'd change being thrown into croc-infested waters with Jake that one time."

"Oh my god, I was gonna kill him that day. That feels like ages ago now."

"I know hey, he's got a baby now too."

"Does he? We should catch up for beers with him one day."

"You never liked him though?" I laughed, remembering back to the good old days when we had first met.

"Back then I didn't. Now he must be an alright guy."

I smiled and we kept watching the interview.

"I love you baby."

"I love you Mrs Ponga." He laughed & I kissed his cheek, looking down at Lottie.

"Are you proud of daddy?"

She was still sleeping and he grinned, looking down at her.

"Always hey baby." I laughed, stroking her cheek.

"She's the prettiest little thing ever." Kay laughed and I smiled.

"She's the perfect mix of us."

"I can't wait for the day we take her to New Zealand."

"Let's make it happen."

"When footy is finished."

I grinned & nodded, watching the rest of our story being aired.

"You know, you're like damn fine on camera." He laughed and I smiled, flicking my hair over my shoulder.

"I look damn fine always."

"Yeah you do." He laughed & Lottie opened her eyes.

"Good morning babe." He whispered, holding her infront of him.

"Hi Lots." I laughed as she sucked on her thumb.

"Isn't she a little pork chop." He laughed, playing with her little rolls.

"I was a pork chop, she's perfect." I laughed, kissing her stomach.

"I think someone is ready for a feed momma."

I smiled and grabbed her, lifting my shirt and she latched straight onto my boob.

"Good girl baby." I laughed, watching the TV again.

"Baby look."

I looked up at the TV & they got video footage of Kay swinging me around on the footy field after the interview. I smiled and he kissed my forehead.
"I love you so much wifey."

"I love you more hubby." I winked, kissing him.

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