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"Wait you're leaving today?"

"I have to, I've got jobs to handle at home & footy starts back up soon so training is next week."

"They can't wait?" I mumbled, watching him zip his last bag up.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, kissing my cheek & picking up his bags.

I followed him down the stairs & everyone was in the kitchen.

"You going already honey?" His mom, Tara asked him.

"Yeah, Josh is flat out so I've gotta go back to give him a hand."

"Oh, well drive safe mate, we'll see you back home there."

He hugged all his family, then mine & everyone else who was in the room, then we walked to his truck.

He threw his bags in the back & I sighed.

"This went too fast."

"You can come visit me." He laughed, turning the truck on.

"I wish we had one more night here."

"Me too, we'll make time."

"We live like three hours away from each other though." I groaned & he lifted me around his waist.

"We'll make it work. Don't stress about it." He whispered, kissing my cheek again.

"Are you gonna tell your mates and stuff that you're with someone?"

"Yeah?" He laughed, "I don't think it'll be the first thing we talk about though."

I rolled my eyes & put my hands on either sides of his cheek.

"As long as Jake doesn't try throwing you in the water again, otherwise I'll have to drive back & kill him."

"I think he'll be right." I laughed, staring into his eyes.

"Drive steady okay?" I sighed & he nodded.

"I feel like I'm the one who should be telling you how to drive, you're the baby." He laughed & I grinned.

"Get out."

"I should get on the road babe. Give me a kiss." He whispered, looking at my lips, then back up into my eyes.

I smiled & pressed my lips on his, as he pressed me against the truck to hold me up as his hand went to my cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you." I mumbled & he smiled through the kiss.

"Me too."

I smiled & slid my tongue down his throat, causing him to groan.

"If our families weren't spying on us right now I'd do you right here." He laughed.

I grinned & put my kisses down his neck.

"Tell me as soon as you've got time & I'll come visit. I'm gonna miss you like crazy."

"I will, text me okay?"

I nodded & he gave me one last kiss & drove off.

I stood there & watched his car drive to the end of the road & then walked inside.

"You okay?" Blake asked me, hugging me.

"I just wanna go with him." I sighed, putting my head on his shoulder.

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