All hell broke loose

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We met up with the same guys the next night at a new bar and had dinner.

"So you have a partner?" The guy asked, pointing to me.

"Yeah, and a kid."

"Oh very nice." He said, smiling at the other two.

"You two are single though right?"

The girls both nodded and they grinned, talking to them.

My phone started vibrating and I sighed.

"I'll be two seconds." I said, walking away to answer it.

"Hey baby."

"Hey, hows your trip?"

"So much fun. I bungee jumped today."

"How was that?"

"Aria peed herself."

He laughed on the other end & I sighed.

"How's Lot?"

"She's good, having a bottle right now as we speak. I'll FaceTime you."

I accepted the FaceTime and turned the screen to me.

"Oh baby, look how beautiful you are." I whispered, looking down at my baby girl in his arm sucking back a bottle.

"And momma, look how sexy you are. Holy." Kalyn said, grinning at me.

I laughed & blew him a kiss.

"I miss you."

"I miss you more. You having dinner?"

"Yeah, the girls met some guys last night so they invited us to dinner."

"What guys?"

"Two guys, they went home with them last night."

"To your villa?"

"Yeah but I was in my own room."

"What the fuck B?"

"What? I stayed in my room, they were in their own.

"You're telling me there's nothing wrong with two random guys staying in my partners villa while she's black out drunk?"

"It's not like that, they're actually really nice guys."

"Yeah sure they are."

Literally two seconds later, Ben, Stef's man, came over and asked if I wanted a drink.

"Oh hey bro." He laughed, waving to the camera.

I smiled at Kay & really hoped he wasn't a cockhead to him.

"You want a drink B?" Ben asked, nodding to the bar.

"No, she doesn't want a drink mate." Kalyn answered for me & I sighed.

Ben looked at me & I nodded, watching him walk away.

"Fuck me, are you kidding with these guys Bailee?" Kalyn laughed, rubbing his forehead.

"What? The girls are the ones talking to them, I was literally talking about you to them before."

"These big tatted up dudes don't give a fuck if you've got a man at home Bailee."

"I'm not like that though."

"I also didn't think you'd be the type of person to not give a fuck enough about me to even stay home for one fucking hour to see me after being away, but I guess I was wrong about that. What the fuck has happened to you? Every day we've just been fighting non-fucking stop and I'm sick of it. Are you not happy with your life? Are you not happy you've got a partner who thinks the fucking world of you, a healthy baby who loves you to bits, and a fucking beautiful home to live in?"

I looked down and sighed, tears forming in my eyes.

"What do you want from me? All I do is fucking stay home by myself with Lottie. I'm fucking lonely Kalyn. I didn't go from being a fucking girl everyone wanted to be, to a girl who cooks, cleans & waits for you to come home every weekend from footy somewhere. I'm not the girl who wants her life to be like that everyday."

"Well what do you want outta life? Because I've got a feeling it doesn't include me or Lottie. So what the fuck is it that you want B?"

I looked back at the girls with tears in my eyes & he groaned.

"I'm done B, this is it now. If you do not get on a flight tonight, I'm packing your stuff up and you're moving out as soon as you get back. I'm not joking either, get your shit sorted out with what you want out of life & I'd sort it out real quick. I'm not doing this shit with you anymore. Get on a plane with a good fucking attitude & be grateful for the life you've got. This is a fucking joke now."

He ended the call & I wiped my tears, buying a flight back home & walking back over to the girls.

"You okay B?"

"Yeah, I just bought a flight home in two hours."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, Kay's not happy."

"Because the guys are here?"

"Kinda, but I just kinda upped and left as soon as he got home & we're in a real shit place at the moment too, I just need to get home & sort everything out with him."

"We'll buy tickets too." Aria said, giving Stef a sad look and the boys sighed.

"Well it was fun meeting you." They said to the girls and I frowned.

"No, you guys stay. I honestly need to think to myself and there's no better place than a thousand feet in the air."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and they hugged me.

"We'll see you back home baby. Good luck with Kalyn."

I sighed and nodded.

"Be safe & have fun."

They smiled and I hugged the guys goodbye too.

"It was nice meeting you two. Look after these girls for me." They smiled & nodded, all waving as I left.

I got a taxi back to the villa and quickly packed my bags.

I got to the airport and boarded my flight.

This was what I needed to do.

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