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"Damn it's cold in here. Give me some more blanket Blake." I groaned at my twin who I had to share my bed with.

"Piss off. I'm freezing." He mumbled, pulling it back to cover him & he rolled over to face away from me.

"Go change the thermo." I whispered & he groaned.

"You go." He said, then went back to snoring.

I rolled my eyes & got out of bed.

I quietly & very slowly walked down the stairs & seen it.

"Who set this thing to 30? Bloody idiot." I mumbled, changing it back to 80.

I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water & leant against the kitchen bench.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Kalyn asked, grabbing himself a glass.

"Too bloody cold. Someone set the thermostat to 30."

"Yeah, that was me." He grinned, looking at me.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Cold air is nice when you're sleeping."

"No it's not. Warm is good."

"Warm is good. Not sweating hot."

"It wasn't that hot."

"I'm sweating Bailee."

"Don't be a girl." I sighed & sat down at one of the chairs.

"How long was that rehearsal dinner tonight though?"

"I'm glad you thought so too." He laughed, shaking his head.

"I don't understand it all hey. Why people wanna spend so much money on their weddings. Honestly, all I want is a backyard wedding under a big tree, a big bonfire to the side to roast marshmallows with, and a dance floor. Super casual & super easy."

"Sounds like a good time to me."

"And I wouldn't wait a whole year after being engaged to do it. Literally get that shit done ASAP."

"Wow, you don't like to wait."

"Well what's the point? Stress yourself to save & organise all this stuff just for one day? No way, get it done & save for the honeymoon."

"I agree."

I smiled and he grinned.

"Sounds like we'd be an alright match." He said, winking at me & I smiled.

"Not bad."

"The only thing we'd be shit at is agreeing on a temperature for the thermo at night." He laughed & I grinned.

"I think I'd be able to bring you around to enjoying it warmer." I whispered, winking at him & walking out of the kitchen & back upstairs.

Wow. I don't know where that confidence came from but thank you to whoever gave it to me. Thank you sweet Jesus!

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