Plan B

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"Babe take the day off today, I've only got tomorrow & the next day here & I wanna do stuff with you."

"I can't baby, Josh can't do these jobs all himself."

"But you told me to come out here."

"Yeah but then a heap of work came in, I can't say no to jobs B."

"Then you should've told me to stay at home."

"I thought you wanted to see me?"

"I did, but I would've waited til we could actually do things together."

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"Spend time with me."

"I can't B. Ring Mickey & make plans or something for today." He said, grabbing his car keys.

"I can't believe you told me to do the three hour drive out here & you're not even gonna have one day off to spend with me."

"I've got work that I can't just bail out of for a week, there's literally nothing I can do."

"Then tell me so I don't waste time coming here."

"This is a waste of time to you?" He laughed, shaking his head.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, thanks. See you this arv." He said, rolling his eyes at me.

He slammed the door on his way out & I sighed.

I sat on the couch & looked through TV channels.

"Lunch?" I texted Kalyn & waited for a response.


I rolled my eyes, now he's just got the shits.

"Come on babe, please?"

He didn't reply & I sighed.

"Lunch with Mickey then."

I texted him & we agreed to meet at one of his favourite pubs.

I got dressed & drove to the pub he told me to meet him at, and my smile turned upside down.

Kalyn, sitting with the boys & their girlfriends having beers & food.

Busy my ass.

I sat at a booth where he couldn't see me & Mickey walked over to me.

"Hey." I hugged him, as the waiter brought over the drinks I ordered for us.

"Thanks. What's been happening?" He asked me, looking over the menu.

"Literally nothing, I've been sitting on my ass bored as shit. Let's do something?"

"I've got the best idea, let's sit here & get drunk all day."

"You know what? Fuck it, let's do it. Your day been shit too?"

"Just got blown off by the girl I've been talking to for 6 months. She just doesn't feel our vibe anymore." He said, mocking her voice.

"She's an idiot." I laughed, not even knowing who it was.

"Yeah well, she's a hot idiot."

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