Catch Ups

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"I'm currently in the supermarket."

"How's Lot been?"

"Yeah okay, had a shit morning but other than that she's been okay."

"We're getting the teenage years already?" He laughed, as I grinned, grabbing another milk.

"We've got training starting now, games on at 7 tonight baby."

"I'll be watching."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you more."

We ended the call and I walked around the shop.

"Bailee?" I heard and turned around.

"Hugh? Hey, how are you?"

"Good, I haven't seen you in ages. How you been?"

"I'm good, Lottie's been a little mad at life lately while Kay's gone but nothing too bad." I laughed, seeing him smile.

"Lucky she's super cute."

"Yeah that sure helps." I laughed, as we stood there for an awkward silence.

"How longs Kalyn gone for?"

"He's back tomorrow."

"Oh nice, well I better finish shopping but tell him I said good luck."

"I will, thanks Hugh. See you around."

He waved and walked out of the building and I sighed.

"Yeah we won't be telling daddy we seen him." I mumbled, laughing to Lottie.

I finished the shopping then we got home and unpacked everything.

I made some lunch for Lot & quickly fed her, then sat on the balcony.

"Hello gorgeous girls."

"Hi Judy, how are you?" I called out, seeing her pop her little face over the fence.

"Good darling, isn't she getting more beautiful everyday." She laughed, smiling down at Lottie.

"Kalyn excited for the game?"

"Oh yeah, I can't wait to watch it."

"We'll be watching." She said, as Mark come up on the other side.

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