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"I'm absolutely shitting fucking bricks."

"Stef you can do this shit." Aria laughed & I videoed her freaking out.

"B I swear to god get that camera off me." Stef groaned, as we laughed.

"Babe you look amazing from back here."

"You won't be laughing when it's your turn to stand on the edge of a platform overlooking a fucking cliff."

I laughed & Aria couldn't breathe.

"Stef, don't be a little bitch. Jump already."

"Fuck off Aria, why did I agree to go by myself? I'm such an idiot."

"Yes you are an idiot, but you have the biggest wedgie and it looks amazing." I laughed & she put the finger up at me.

"How many people have died on this?"

"Only one. Years ago." The guy from last night laughed, he worked here.

"Why the fuck did we let some strangers we don't even know talk us into bungee jumping?"

"You also let that stranger fuck you last night." Aria laughed & the guy grinned, patting Stef on the bum.

"Come on love, you can do it."

Aw that was actually cute.

And then he pushed her off.

We burst out laughing and watched her fall, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Yes honey!" Aria yelled, as she dangled at the bottom.

"This guy gonna push us off too?" I whispered to Aria & her grin turned into her eyes widening.

"I'll fucking sue if he does."

I laughed and he strapped us up.

"You girls ready?

"As ready as I'll ever be to almost killing myself." I mumbled, looking over the edge and feeling my stomach drop.

"It's not that bad when you get to the bottom." He said, laughing at my face.

I nodded & Aria hugged me tight.

"Stay close as you drop." He warmed us, making us hug more.

We nodded and hugged eachother tighter.

"Do not fucking let me go you bitch." Aria mumbled, looking down too.

"I think I've just peed myself." She whispered, and I burst out laughing.

Suddenly, we weren't laughing.

He pushed us off too!

We were falling and all I could hear were our screams.

I had my eyes squeezed shut and felt us falling fast.

We finally got to the bottom and I stopped screaming as the guy came over and unclipped us.

"How was that?"

"I need new pants." Aria whispered, making the guy laugh.

"What?" I laughed, looking at her serious face.

"You didn't..." I laughed, looking down.

"Fuck off with the judgement B, I just fell from a cliff upside down. Of course I'm gonna piss my pants."

I burst out laughing and the guy couldn't even start the boat he was laughing that much.

"How fucking old are you? Squeeze it shut."

"It's not that easy." She groaned, putting her head down between her legs.

What an idiot.

I laughed & we got back to land and seen Stef.

"That was fucked."

"I'm never doing it again with her." I laughed, nudging Arias arm.

"I peed myself Stef." She whispered, her arms over her privates so no one could see.

"Are you taking the piss?"

"No, she did a piss though."

Stef burst out laughing and we got into the nearest taxi.

"Let's go home for a shower piss pants." I said, getting in after Aria.

"Fuck off B." She laughed, shaking her bum in front of me.

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