Bye Daddy

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"I'll call you every night. I'm gonna miss my girls." He sighed, pulling me to him & resting his head on mine, with Lottie in his arms.

"We're gonna miss you more. Get a win for us." I whispered, grinning up at him.

"For my girls." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Be safe okay, call Mickey or one of the boys if you need anything." He said, giving Lots one last kiss.

"I will, don't stress about us."

"Can't help it after last week." He sighed, hugging me again.

"It's okay, we're gonna have some girl time while you're gone." I laughed, grabbing Lottie from him.

"Well have fun, I'll be back in two days. I love you my beautiful girls." He sighed, kissing me.

"We love you, good luck."

"Daddy will be home soon Lots, be good for mom." He whispered to her, kissing her forehead.

I smiled and let go of his hand as he walked away.

I waved to him and put Lot back in her pram.

I got my phone and took a selfie with her & sent it to Kay.

Me: Bye daddy, get a win for us. We miss you already!

Kay: I miss you two so much already, best pic ever. I'm gonna need one every five minutes.

Me: Of course! I'll call you some time tonight.

Kay: Okay, I love you baby.

Me: I love you Ponga.

I put my phone away and we walked out of the airport and got back home again.

"Okay baby girl, it's just you & me now." I said, laying on the couch with her on my boob.

My phone dinged and I grinned.

"I hear homeboy is gone for two days. I'm on my way with wine & Stef." Aria texted, making me laugh.

Those two kill me.

They walked through the door five minutes later and I smiled.

"That was quick."

"We are overdue for a girls night."

"Not wrong." I laughed, as Lottie started rejecting my boob.

"What? You just got on, come on Lots."

She started screaming and I sighed.

"Come on babe." I mumbled, trying to put her back on.

"Maybe she's tired?"

"Nah she had a nap before Kay left."


"Doesn't have a fever."

"I don't know then babe. Try her one more time?"

I put my boob near her mouth and she screamed louder.

"What's wrong hun? Come on, I'm sorry." I groaned, looking at the girls.

"You can go if you want." I laughed, and they shook their heads.

"As if, we can sort this out together."

I smiled and Aria took her.

"Wow she's really not loving life today."

"Maybe she wants to hear Kalyn's voice."

"That might work actually."

I went on my phone and found a video of Kalyn's interview that I recorded.

As soon as his voice come on, she was happy.

"It worked." Aria cheered, holding Lots.

"She doesn't have a favourite parent at all." Stef laughed & I grinned.

"Little girls and their dads."

Stef smiled & grabbed Lottie, nursing her and holding my phone with Kalyn's interview still playing.

"She's gonna learn his whole interview word for word after this weekend." I laughed, seeing her start to close her eyes.

"Kays ringing, I'll put his interview on my phone." Stef said, handing me my phone and getting the interview on hers.

Lottie started screaming again and I sighed.

"Hi baby." I answered, seeing him laying down in bed.

"Hey sexy, Lot not in a good mood tonight?"

"Watch this actually." I laughed, holding Lottie & Stef's phone, while they went to the kitchen to give us some privacy.

I played Kay's interview & she instantly stopped.

His smile grew wider and I stopped it again.

She screamed again, then stopped when I played it.

"My baby girl, I wish I was there getting cuddles." He laughed, looking down at her.

"It's the only thing that will help her sleep. She'll know your whole interview by the time you come back." I laughed and he grinned.

"Little footy player in the making."

"Mm maybe not." I laughed & he grinned.

"The girls there too?"

"Yeah, they're in the kitchen right now."

"Good, well I'm gonna get some sleep baby, I hope she stays quiet for you tonight."

"She'll be right, I'll text you tomorrow, I love you."

"I love you more girls, sweet dreams."

I blew a kiss at the camera and he grinned, grabbing it and putting it on his heart.


He ended the call & I sighed, put Lottie beside me and falling asleep.

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